
scientific notation with superscript exponent

scientific notation with superscript exponent Question: I’m attempting to format numbers in scientific notation with exponents of base 10, e.g. write 0.00123 as 1.23×10–3, using python 3. I found this great function which prints 1.23×10^-3, but how can the caret-exponent be replaced with a superscript? def sci_notation(number, sig_fig=2): ret_string = “{0:.{1:d}e}”.format(number, sig_fig) a,b = ret_string.split(“e”) …

Total answers: 3

Superscript for a variable

Superscript for a variable Question: I want to print out a variable as a superscript. I have done a lot of research and lots of people use the method of Unicode. Which is something like print(“wordu00b2”) where the 2 will be in superscript. However, I want to replace the 2 with a variable. These are …

Total answers: 2

How do you print superscript in Python?

How do you print superscript? Question: I am aware of the xb function in python, but it does not seem to work for me. I am aware that I may need to download a third party module to accomplish this, if so, which one would be best? I am currently writing a binomial expansion solver, …

Total answers: 13