
svg2rlg converting svg to png only part of the image with percentage size

svg2rlg converting svg to png only part of the image with percentage size Question: My svg image: My code: from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg from import renderPM drawing = svg2rlg("qr_code.svg") renderPM.drawToFile(drawing, "temp.png", fmt="PNG") from tkinter import * tk = Tk() from PIL import Image, ImageTk img =‘temp.png’) pimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) size = img.size …

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Selenium Python: How to close the overlay by clicking on the svg element

Selenium Python: How to close the overlay by clicking on the svg element Question: I am looking for a way to click on the svg cross to close overlaying welcome window. I managed to go through login and authorization but this cross is getting me crazy. Code trials: WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CLASS_NAME, "jss109"))).click() WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//svg[@class=’jss109′]"))).click() WebDriverWait(driver, …

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How to center text along a path with svgwrite

How to center text along a path with svgwrite Question: I have a path I’ve created in svgwrite and I want to have my text to be centered along that path. It’s confusing since the svgwrite API doesn’t appear to offer any mechanism for doing so Asked By: Zain Rizvi || Source Answers: This leverages …

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Django – How can i resize the svg in the html template

Django – How can i resize the svg in the html template Question: I just created a matplot figure from a csv in django (line graph) and rendering it to the html template and I can’t modify its dimensions imgdata = io.StringIO() fig.savefig(imgdata, format=’svg’) data = imgdata.getvalue() return data data = isolate(selected_loc) return render(request, …

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Python Graphviz – Import SVG file inside a node

Python Graphviz – Import SVG file inside a node Question: I need to import a SVG image using the python librairy of graphviz. Here is the SVG file (created with the software <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!– Do not edit this file with editors other than –> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" …

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Get Text from SVG using Python Selenium

Get Text from SVG using Python Selenium Question: My first time trying to extract data from an SVG element, following is the SVG element and the code I have tried to put up by reading stuff on the internet, I have absolutely no clue how wrong I am and why so. <svg class="rv-xy-plot__inner" width="282" height="348"> …

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Filling color in svg image

Filling color in svg image Question: I have an svg file in this format: <svg rel=”nofollow noreferrer”> To fill the SVG svg’s all "black" places (path) with solid color of specified hex code I used this: Example: ‘svg42.svg’ to be filled with solid color ‘#00bbaa’ import io from PIL import Image from cairosvg import svg2png …

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How can I save turtle output as an image?

How can I save turtle output as an image? Question: I have a code and draw circles. I would like to save the output as image. I am able to save the output as .svg file. But when i try to open, it only shows white page. I also tried to turn it to .jpg …

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