
Swap trade in Uniswap fails using uniswap-python standard functions

Swap trade in Uniswap fails using uniswap-python standard functions Question: I am trying to do a simple trade using uniswap-python and it doesn’t work. Sample code: from uniswap import Uniswap provider = "https://polygon-mainnet.infura.io/v3/"+INFURA_API_KEY uniswap = Uniswap(address, private_key, version = 3, provider) result = uniswap.make_trade(USDT, WMATIC, 10) Result: raise ExtraDataLengthError(web3.exceptions.ExtraDataLengthError: The field extraData is 97 bytes, …

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Python | How do I swap two unknown words in an unknown string?

Python | How do I swap two unknown words in an unknown string? Question: I cannot find how to swap two words in a string using Python, without using any external/imported functions. What I have is a string that I get from a text document. For example the string is: line = "Welcome to your …

Total answers: 2

Swipe or turn data for stacked bar chart in Matplotlib

Swipe or turn data for stacked bar chart in Matplotlib Question: I’m trying to create or generate some graphs in stacked bar I’m using this data: index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 No 94 123 96 108 122 106.0 95.0 124 104 …

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Python3 program to swap elements

Python3 program to swap elements Question: def swapPositions(list, pos1, pos2): list[pos1], list[pos2] = list[pos2], list[pos1] return list List = [23, 65, 19, 90] pos1, pos2 = 1, 3 print(swapPositions(List, pos1-1, pos2-1)) i dont understand why "pos2-1" is used here why did they use minus one why doesn’t it work without minus one?? Asked By: Asra …

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Remove 2 duplicated swap sublists in list

Remove 2 duplicated swap sublists in list Question: I have a two-dimensional list like this: [[1, 6], [2, 5], [3, 7], [5, 2], [6, 1], [7, 3], [8, 9], [9, 8]] I want to remove all the sublists that are duplicates but in reverse order (ie: [1, 6] and [6, 1], [3, 7] and [7, …

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Swap two rows in a numpy array in python

Swap two rows in a numpy array in python Question: How to swap xth and yth rows of the 2-D NumPy array? x & y are inputs provided by the user. Lets say x = 0 & y =2 , and the input array is as below: a = [[4 3 1] [5 7 0] …

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pandas how to swap or reorder columns

pandas how to swap or reorder columns Question: I know that there are ways to swap the column order in python pandas. Let say I have this example dataset: import pandas as pd employee = {‘EmployeeID’ : [0,1,2], ‘FirstName’ : [‘a’,’b’,’c’], ‘LastName’ : [‘a’,’b’,’c’], ‘MiddleName’ : [‘a’,’b’, None], ‘Contact’ : [‘(M) 133-245-3123’, ‘(F)[email protected]’, ‘(F)312-533-2442 [email protected]’]} …

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swap max and min in list

swap max and min in list Question: I need to swap the max and min in a list of distinct numbers. Like so: Example input 3 4 5 2 1 Example output 3 4 1 2 5 I figured using this would make the most sense: a = [3, 4, 5, 2, 1] a[a.index(max(a))], a[a.index(min(a))] …

Total answers: 5

Swap two values in a numpy array.

Swap two values in a numpy array. Question: Is there something more efficient than the following code to swap two values of a numpy 1D array? input_seq = arange(64) ix1 = randint(len(input_seq)) ixs2 = randint(len(input_seq)) temp = input_seq[ix2] input_seq[ix2] = input_seq[ix1] input_seq[ix1] = temp Asked By: Gioelelm || Source Answers: You can use tuple unpacking. …

Total answers: 2