
Cannot read PDF Data into Sheets with Gspread-DataFrame

Cannot read PDF Data into Sheets with Gspread-DataFrame Question: I want to read data from a PDF I downloaded using Tabula into Google Sheets, and when I transfer the data as it was read into Google Sheets, I get an error. I know the data I downloaded is dirty, but I wanted to clean it …

Total answers: 1

extracting all tables using tabula

extracting all tables using tabula Question: While reading a pdf file using df = tabula.read_pdf(pdf_file, pages=‘all’) —> displays all tables from all pages. but when converting into a Pandas dataframe using tables = pd.DataFrame(pdf_file, pages = ‘all’, lattice = ‘True’)[0])—> display only the table on the first page. Asked By: arvin || Source Answers: The …

Total answers: 1

Importing rotated text from a PDF table such as with tabula-py in python

Importing rotated text from a PDF table such as with tabula-py in python Question: Is there a way to import rotated text from a PDF table such as with tabula-py in python? I realize I can just rename the column headers in this case, but I was wondering if there is a way to set …

Total answers: 2

how to rename unnamed column names with the immediate next column name in pandas python

how to rename unnamed column names with the immediate next column name in pandas python Question: im running a code to extract pdf tables to separate csv.i have done that using tabula im getting each table but with some errors like unnamed:0,unnamed:1, on as few column names.i need to clean the csv tables now.. …

Total answers: 2

How to use tabula in AWS Lambda to read PDF table

How to use tabula in AWS Lambda to read PDF table Question: Hello I get the following error while trying to use tabula to read a table in a pdf. I was aware of some of the difficulties (here) using this package with AWS lambda and tried to zip the tabula package via an EC2 …

Total answers: 2