
Python multiple nested ternary expression

Python multiple nested ternary expression Question: With the Python (2.7) ternary expression x if cond else y what is the logical order when evaluating multiple expressions of these nested in order: e.g. 1 if A else 2 if B else 3 Drawing out the truth table for this is appears this is evaluated as 1 …

Total answers: 5

Compressing `x if x else y` statement in Python

Compressing `x if x else y` statement in Python Question: I’m quite acquainted with Python’s ternary operator approach: value = foo if something else bar My question is very simple: without prior assignments, is there anyway to reference the term being evaluated in (if …) from one of the return operands (… if or else …

Total answers: 3

Return statement using ternary operator

Return statement using ternary operator Question: In c I can do something like: int minn(int n, int m){ return (n<m)? n:m } But in python I am not able to achieve the same: def minn(n,m): return n if n<m else return m this gives Syntax Error I know I can do something like : def …

Total answers: 2

Django Template Ternary Operator

Django Template Ternary Operator Question: I was wondering if there was a ternary operator (condition ? true-value : false-value) that could be used in a Django template. I see there is a python one (true-value if condition else false-value) but I’m unsure how to use that inside a Django template to display the html given …

Total answers: 6

Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line

Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line Question: I’m just getting into Python and I really like the terseness of the syntax. However, is there an easier way of writing an if–then–else statement so it fits on one line? For example: if count == N: count = 0 else: count = N + 1 …

Total answers: 5