
Remove zero from ternary plot

Remove zero from ternary plot Question: I have the following plot and I want to remove the 0 in the origins. import plotly.graph_objects as go import plotly.express as px fig = go.Figure(go.Scatterternary({ ‘mode’: ‘markers’, ‘a’: [0.3],’b’: [0.5], ‘c’: [0.6], ‘marker’: {‘color’: ‘AliceBlue’,’size’: 14,’line’: {‘width’: 2} }, })) fig.update_layout({ ‘ternary’: { ‘sum’: 100, ‘aaxis’: {‘nticks’:1, ‘ticks’:""}, …

Total answers: 1

Ternary Max Heap Python

Ternary Max Heap Python Question: I am trying to turn a Binary Max Heap into a Ternary Max Heap in Python. My code needs to remain in the same structure as the binary heap below. I need some help figuring out what changes to make. I know the max child method needs to be updated …

Total answers: 1

Python Ternary Operator Without else

Python Ternary Operator Without else Question: Is it possible to do this on one line in Python? if <condition>: myList.append(‘myString’) I have tried the ternary operator: myList.append(‘myString’ if <condition>) but my IDE (MyEclipse) didn’t like it, without an else. Asked By: JCB || Source Answers: if <condition>: myList.append(‘myString’) Otherwise, no. Why the need to put …

Total answers: 7