
Function equivalent to (python) seaborn's "set_context()" in (R) ggplot2?

Function equivalent to (python) seaborn's "set_context()" in (R) ggplot2? Question: A quite neat function of python’s library seaborn is to be able to all the sizes of the plots, labels and the majority of graph elements with a single command: set_context(context), for different contexts the sizes of figures are resized accordingly, so if context is …

Total answers: 1

Assign involving both reducing & non-reducing operations in Pandas

Assign involving both reducing & non-reducing operations in Pandas Question: I’m an R/Tidyverse guy getting my feet wet in python/pandas and having trouble discerning if there is a way to do the following as elegantly in pandas as tidyverse: ( dat %>% group_by(grp) %>% mutate( value = value/max(value) ) ) So, there’s a grouped mutate …

Total answers: 2