
What do I need to change so my tornado code can post successfully?

What do I need to change so my tornado code can post successfully? Question: I have the following (with some strings modified) which works when using the requests library. import requests from pprint import pprint import json PEM = ‘/full/path/to/my.pem’ client_id=’cliendID’ client_secret=’clientSecret’ USER=’myuser’ PSWD=’mypwd’ url = ‘’ data = { "grant_type": "password", "username": USER, "password": …

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Timeout Tornado requests from point of receiving

Timeout Tornado requests from point of receiving Question: I built a Tornado Webservice with receives and processes requests and Parses PDF Documents. The problem not is that if I want to load the PDF as an xml Tree, this operation takes very long and is CPU blocking. Now, if I send like 90 Request async, …

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Error while running bokeh server in dev mode

Error while running bokeh server in dev mode Question: When running: bokeh serve –dev –show my-bokeh The server starts and it works, but when I update the code of the application I expected it to refresh cause the "–dev" flag but it doesn’t update and I’m getting this error: C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalpypoetryCachevirtualenvsdashtest-XGo0CCLY-py3.10Scriptspython.exe: Error while finding module specification …

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Python tornado autoreload not working when configured in a module

Python tornado autoreload not working when configured in a module Question: I’m trying to figure out why Python Tornado autoreload feature does not work when configured and started inside a module. The following module contains a MyTornadoApp class that configures and starts autoreload if the proper option is set: import os import tornado.autoreload import tornado.web …

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Call not recognised and use instead Future

Call not recognised and use instead Future Question: When running my tornado script which should send a request and get the body of the response and append this to some html code on a localhost port. However, I get this error: TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘callback’ It turns out from the documentation …

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PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied in python project

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied in python project Question: I am working on an application that needs installation for airnotifier, I have followed the installation instruction in the following link: on the last command of running I got the following error airnotifier@airnotifier:~/airnotifier$ pipenv run python DeprecationWarning: The ‘warn’ function is deprecated, …

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Parse Error: The server returned a malformed response – Error: Parse Error: Expected HTTP/ – when trying to access one of my app URLs with postman

Parse Error: The server returned a malformed response – Error: Parse Error: Expected HTTP/ – when trying to access one of my app URLs with postman Question: I am managing an app built by third parts in python. I have this url dispatcher urls += [(r’/path/objectAlpha/(.*)’, objectAlphaHandler)] # this was made by third parts, it …

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Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.8 – NotImplementedError

Jupyter Notebook with Python 3.8 – NotImplementedError Question: Upgraded recently to Python 3.8, and installed jupyter. However, when trying to run jupyter notebook getting the following error: File “”, line 99, in add_handler self.asyncio_loop.add_reader(fd, self._handle_events, fd, IOLoop.READ) File “”, line 501, in add_reader raise NotImplementedError NotImplementedError I know Python 3.8 on windows switched to ProactorEventLoop …

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Python logging module AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'write'

Python logging module AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'write' Question: I am using Tornado, and in my app I import logging so I can log some information about the server. I put this: logging.config.dictConfig(web_LOGGING) right before: tornado.options.parse_command_line() but when I run the server and click any link I get the following error: Traceback (most …

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How can I periodically execute a function with asyncio?

How can I periodically execute a function with asyncio? Question: I’m migrating from tornado to asyncio, and I can’t find the asyncio equivalent of tornado‘s PeriodicCallback. (A PeriodicCallback takes two arguments: the function to run and the number of milliseconds between calls.) Is there such an equivalent in asyncio? If not, what would be the …

Total answers: 9