
How to make tqdm work with a simple while loop

How to make tqdm work with a simple while loop Question: I have this simple code (do pip install primesieve first): def prob(n): it = primesieve.Iterator() p = 1 prime = it.next_prime() while prime <= n: p = p * (1-1/prime) prime = it.next_prime() return p How can I use tqdm to get a progress …

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Making tqdm write to log files

Making tqdm write to log files Question: tqdm is a nice python library to keep track of progress through an iterable. It’s default mode of operation is to repeatedly clear a line and redraw with a carriage but this produced quite nasty output when combined with logging. Is there a way I can get this …

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tqdm notebook bar outputs text in Jupyter lab

tqdm notebook bar outputs text in Jupyter lab Question: I am having a problem when using tqdm.notebook progress bar in Jupyter (version 3.4.4). When I launch a for loop, instead of the progress bar, I get the following text as output: Input: from tqdm.notebook import tqdm for i in tqdm(range(100)): a = 1 Output: root: …

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Change color of manual tqdm progress bar when finished in Jupyter notebook

Change color of manual tqdm progress bar when finished in Jupyter notebook Question: I want to use a manual progress bar from tqdm in a Jupyter notebook with a nested loop. To have an overview over all iterations, I use a manual update of the progress bar as follows: from tqdm.notebook import tqdm a = …

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Progress in bytes when reading CSV from URL with pandas

Progress in bytes when reading CSV from URL with pandas Question: Because some of the CSV files that I need to read are very large (multiple GB), I am trying to implement a progress bar that indicates the number of bytes read out of the total when reading a CSV file from a URL with …

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tqdm color bar shows red if using break in Jupyter notebook

tqdm color bar shows red if using break in Jupyter notebook Question: I use tqdm from tqdm.notebook to display a progress bar for iteration through lines of a file. I supply the total argument to give the number of iterations that will be performed (since I know it upfront) so the progress can be accurately …

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tqdm format remaining time

tqdm format remaining time Question: I’m running a very long process, and iterating by with tqdm(total=N) as pbar: time.sleep(1) pbar.update(1) displays something like 0%| | 528912/1.1579208923731618e+77 [00:05<320918211271131291051900907686223146304413317191111137850058393514584:44:48, 100226.38it/s [Quite a big combinatorial process, I’m dealing with :S ] I will certainly try to optimize it and decrease the search-space (which I think I really cannot), …

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How to add "pytube" downloading info to tqdm Progress Bar?

How to add "pytube" downloading info to tqdm Progress Bar? Question: I am trying make a YouTube video downloader. I want make a progress bar while downloading the YouTube video but I cant get any info (how many MB have been downloaded or how many video MB). I don’t know if this is possible with …

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Remove an '?' char from tqdm progressbar?

Remove an '?' char from tqdm progressbar? Question: I wrote a code that download videos with progressbar using tqdm module, and it works fine, just there is a ‘?’ char appeared in the progressbar and it only appears in the cmd. here is a pic of the progressbar any help will be appreciated. Asked By: …

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tqdm progress bar for chained iterables

tqdm progress bar for chained iterables Question: If I want to combine two iterators in Python, one approach is to use itertools.chain. For example, if I have two ranges range(50, 100, 10) and range(95, 101), I can get a range [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100] with itertools.chain(range(50, 100, 10), …

Total answers: 2