
Check if we're in a GitHub Action / tracis ci / circle ci etc. testing environment

Check if we're in a GitHub Action / tracis ci / circle ci etc. testing environment Question: I would like to programatically determine if a particular Python script is run a testing enviroment such as GitHub action Tracis CI Circle CI etc. I realize that this will require some heuristics, but that’s good enough for …

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Why is pytest asking to specify –tx

Why is pytest asking to specify –tx Question: After multiple successful tests, pytest is suddenly throwing this error: $ pytest -vvv -x –internal –oclint -n -32 ============================= test session starts ============================== platform darwin — Python 3.7.7, pytest-5.4.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.13.1 — /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python3.7 cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /Users/pre-commit-hooks/code/pre-commit-hooks, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: xdist-1.31.0, forked-1.1.3 ERROR: MISSING test execution (tx) …

Total answers: 3

Dylib built on CI can't be loaded

Dylib built on CI can't be loaded Question: I’m building a Rust binary (liblonlat_bng.dylib) on Travis CI, pulling it into a Cython extension (in the same dir as the Cython source .c/.pyx), and testing it, also on Travis CI (in a different repo and build). However, tests of the Python package are failing, and I’m …

Total answers: 2

Why is python saying invalid command 'bdist_wheel' on Travis CI?

Why is python saying invalid command 'bdist_wheel' on Travis CI? Question: My Python package has a which builds fine locally on Ubuntu Trusty and on a fresh Vagrant Ubuntu Trusty VM when I provision it like this: sudo apt-get install python python-dev –force-yes –assume-yes –fix-broken curl –silent –show-error –retry 5 | sudo …

Total answers: 20

How to use python 3 as a build script in non-python travis configuration?

How to use python 3 as a build script in non-python travis configuration? Question: I’m trying to use Travis CI on a C library that uses custom python3-based build scripts. When the repository gets built, it fails on ./configure because configure uses Python 3, which isn’t installed by default. If I were building a Python …

Total answers: 7

Travis special requirements for each python version

Travis special requirements for each python version Question: I need unittest2 and importlib for python 2.6 that is not required for other python versions that travis tests against. Is there a way to tell Travis-CI to have different requirements.txt files for each python version? Asked By: fakedrake || Source Answers: Travis CI adds an environment …

Total answers: 2