
How to use marisa-trie in Python for nlp processing

How to use marisa-trie in Python for nlp processing Question: I’m working for a NLP function to store tokens in a trie. This my well working code for tokenization: import spacy def preprocess_text_spacy(text): stop_words = ["a", "the", "is", "are"] nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) tokens = set() doc = nlp(text) print(doc) for word in doc: if word.is_currency: …

Total answers: 1

why the pointer is not incrementing at line 27

why the pointer is not incrementing at line 27 Question: i am implementing the trie data structure, why my pointer is not incrementing at line# 27. all the characters are getting into forst node only. this is my code class Trienode: data:str next:list = [None]*26 isTerminal:bool = False def __init__(self,data): = data class Trie: …

Total answers: 1

How to create a trie in Python

How to create a trie in Python Question: I’m interested in tries and DAWGs (direct acyclic word graph) and I’ve been reading a lot about them but I don’t understand what should the output trie or DAWG file look like. Should a trie be an object of nested dictionaries? Where each letter is divided in …

Total answers: 16