
urllib: TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

urllib: TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object Question: I am trying to make an API call where I pass a file in the header import urllib.request headers = {‘files[]’: open(‘File.sql’,’rb’)} datagen ={} request = urllib.request.Request(‘https://www.rebasedata.com/api/v1/convert’, datagen, headers) response1 = urllib.request.urlopen(request) # Error : TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object response2 = urllib.request.urlopen(‘https://www.rebasedata.com/api/v1/convert’, datagen, headers) #Error: …

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How can I set a timeout for urllib3 request?

How can I set a timeout for urllib3 request? Question: How can I get urllib3 to try to reach a site for 10 seconds and return an error or data if it can’t? http = urllib3.PoolManager() page = http.request(‘get’, link) Asked By: Asidistaken || Source Answers: Based on Timeout configurationĀ [urllib3-docs] you can set a timeout …

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proxy max retries exceeded with url

proxy max retries exceeded with url Question: am following a tutorial on Youtube where we learn SQL injection on portswigger platform and we write the exploit as script with python, am using kali linux as virtual machine, am suffering from proxy error and i didn’t know what to search for other than stackoverflow with no …

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Does urllib3 support HTTP/2 Requests? Will it?

Does urllib3 support HTTP/2 Requests? Will it? Question: I know the following about various python HTTP libraries: Requests does not support HTTP/2 requests. Hyper does support HTTP/2 requests, but is archived as of early 2021 and wouldn’t be a good choice for new projects. HTTPX does support HTTP/2, but this support is optional, requires installing …

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Urllib3 error "SSL: wrong signature type"

Urllib3 error "SSL: wrong signature type" Question: When I run the following code in python 3.8.5 from an Ubuntu Server: import urllib3 import certifi url = "https://www.website.com" http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs=’CERT_REQUIRED’, ca_certs=certifi.where()) content = http.request("GET", url, preload_content=False).read() The following error occurr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 665, in urlopen httplib_response = self._make_request( File …

Total answers: 4

Why requests raise this exception "check_hostname requires server_hostname"?

Why requests raise this exception "check_hostname requires server_hostname"? Question: p={ ‘http’:’http://my correct proxy here’, ‘https’:’https://my correct proxy here’ } self.response=requests.get(url=url,headers=self.headers,timeout=(6,15),proxies=p) And then it raise the exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:Usersxyl13509876955DesktopMonitordicks.py", line 61, in send_request self.response=requests.get(url=url,headers=self.headers,timeout=(6,15),proxies=p) File "C:Usersxyl13509876955AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libsite-packagesrequestsapi.py", line 76, in get return request(‘get’, url, params=params, **kwargs) File "C:Usersxyl13509876955AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libsite-packagesrequestsapi.py", line 61, in request …

Total answers: 16

Python requests is slow and takes very long to complete HTTP or HTTPS request

Python requests is slow and takes very long to complete HTTP or HTTPS request Question: When requesting a web resource or website or web service with the requests library, the request takes a long time to complete. The code looks similar to the following: import requests requests.get("https://www.example.com/") This request takes over 2 minutes (exactly 2 …

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Is there a way to stop or cancel a urlretrieve in python?

Is there a way to stop or cancel a urlretrieve in python? Question: So I basically have written a program in python using tkinter and urllib.request which is supposed to work as a downloader, but each downloader has to have a pause or cancel button but I can’t seem to find anyway to do this! …

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Pull CME price data into Python 3.6.8

Pull CME price data into Python 3.6.8 Question: I am relatively new to Python so I apologize if this is a ‘bush league’ question. I am trying to retrieve the WTI futures prices from this website: https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/energy/crude-oil/west-texas-intermediate-wti-crude-oil-calendar-swap-futures_quotes_globex.html Which libraries should I be using? How will I need to adjust the output when it is pulled …

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