
How to hide entity object in urisna engine python 3.8

How to hide entity object in ursina engine python 3.8 Question: I want to create a flashlight, when you press 1 beam appears, but I want it to disappear after a second. I made it, but my code doesn’t work. My code: from ursina import * app = Ursina() def flashlight(): # flashlight code f …

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Minecraft Clone Bug – Ursina Engine

Minecraft Clone Bug – Ursina Engine Question: I don’t know why my minecraft clone destroys blocks of the ground, where I don’t want. Here’s my code: from ursina import * from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController from random import * from perlin_noise import * app = Ursina() player = FirstPersonController() Sky(color=color.azure,texture=None) amp = 6 freq = 24 …

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Ursina, how to change font in dropdownbutton

Ursina, how to change font in dropdownbutton Question: I wish to change font or width in dropdownbutton in ursina, any help? cheer. My simple dropdownbutton is the following from ursina import * # Import the ursina engine from ursina.prefabs.dropdown_menu import DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuButton app = Ursina() # Initialise your Ursina app def val_but(txt): print(txt) DropdownMenu(text=’File’, buttons=( …

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Class Object not working as expected in Ursina

Class Object not working as expected in Ursina Question: I have a class named startPlatform in Python. I am using the ursina engine. When I call it, it gives me an error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/eshan/OneDrive/Desktop/ursina-platformer-maker/main.py", line 29, in <module>` StartPlatform(position = (10, 5, 8)) File "C:/Users/eshan/OneDrive/Desktop/ursina-platformer-maker/main.py", line 17, in __init__ super().__init__( …

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Error with ursina: "No module named Xlib" [SOLVED]

Error with ursina: "No module named Xlib" Question: I’m trying to use Ursina to make a game. I installed it on my Ubuntu/Debian terminal using "pip install ursina". It seemed to install fine, but any time I try to run anything using ursina, I get this error message: I’m quite confused and I’ve tried uninstalling …

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First-person controller y-pos logic in Ursina

First-person controller y-pos logic in Ursina Question: I have a clone of Minecraft and I want to see if the player falls off the island it would quit the game. I thought that if I wrote. if player.position == Vec3(x, -80, z): quit() it would quit the game but that didn’t work so I don’t …

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Ursina engine not loading screen

Ursina engine not loading screen (FIXED) Question: I want to make a game in ursina but the entity’s wouldn’t load and the window would immediately close and i have pip installed it too. Heres the code from ursina import * app = Ursina() test_square = Entity(model = ‘circle’, color = color.red) app.run and it outputs …

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i have problem with ursina when it get compiled to exe

i have problem with ursina when it get compiled to exe Question: I started creating a shooter game with ursina, and I tried to get exe from this using pyinstaller. after I got the exe, when I run the app, it show me an error(o I have coded a new game with ursina, but I …

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How to install ursina?

How to install ursina? Question: I went to powershell and said pip install ursina, but the only thing that came up was pip : The term ‘pip’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify …

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Ursina not importing in python

Ursina not importing in python Question: I’m getting error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:UsersuserDownloadsblockymain.py", line 1, in <module> import ursina as ue ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘ursina’ I tried: pip install ursina wait I also did python -m pip install ursina Asked By: Srinivasan || Source Answers: Since you’re using import ursina as …

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