
vbaShellRun for Python

vbaShellRun for Python Question: I am running a macro from Excel that calls a python script. I have Python 3.11.5 installed in one location on my PC and 3.12.1 installed at another. When I call the script using 3.11.5 vbaShell.Run """C:Python311python.exe""" & " " & """D:UsersadminDesktopProjectspythongetDataTests.py""" & " " & """" & Workbook & """" …

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Unable to reference a excel marco file while running a juypter-notebook from another notebook

Unable to reference a excel marco file while running a juypter-notebook from another notebook Question: I’m trying to run a jupyter notebook file called Seg_pivot.ipynb from main.ipynb. The main.ipynb has one line of code: %run "fi/Seg_pivot.ipynb" The current directory structure looks like the following: The Seg_pivot.ipynb runs a module in the MyMacro, used to style …

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Running python script using Outlook VBA

Running python script using Outlook VBA Question: Im trying to run a python script using Outlook Vba. When I run the below code. A python icon appears in the taskbar for a second and disappears. When in fact it should open a dialogue box and prompt me to enter folder name. After which it should …

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How to automate deletion of all text with Strikethrough formatting in a PowerPoint presentation?

How to automate deletion of all text with Strikethrough formatting in a PowerPoint presentation? Question: How can I automate the deletion of all text with Strikethrough formatting in a PowerPoint presentation? I found this useful link to do it in Excel: https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/4831-excel-remove-delete-strikethrough-text.html I think something similar can probably be done for PowerPoint, but I have …

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Pandas Similar rows Search

Pandas Similar rows Search Question: How would I filter data on multiple criteria through the spreadsheet using python(pandas)? I am trying to filter transactions with all Curr1=USD, where Trade Time within 1 minute, Have the same Notional 1 and have the Price within .5% spread between transactions. Then the row with the furthest(highest) Maturity would …

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Calling a VBA procedure from Python

Calling a VBA procedure from Python Question: My Python code runs without an error but without running the VBA procedure. The procedure works when run from inside the Excel file. The macro is in a standard module. My Python (v3.10.6) code running on PyCharm (v221.6008.17) calling the VBA (v7.1.1126) procedure: from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch # …

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WindowsApps loads Python install instead of user's installed Python

WindowsApps loads Python install instead of user's installed Python Question: As a result of corporate policy users can’t edit their paths, cannot change environment variables. I figured out via VBA to alter the USER paths. There’s one issue. All the installations have, in the SYSTEM environment variables: %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsApps The PATH of a script session will …

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Scraping stock names from Chartink screener

Scraping stock names from Chartink screener Question: I am trying to scrape available list of stocks from a chartink screener, at any given time. Example screener: https://chartink.com/screener/15-minute-stock-breakouts The Inspect element option shows me stock names in between HTML tags (between ‘td’ and ‘tr’). But when I print the output on Python page, stock names are …

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How to pass an empty optional argument from Python to Excel VBA macro

How to pass an empty optional argument from Python to Excel VBA macro Question: I am using Python to test an Excel VBA macro. The macro has two optional parameters. As long as only the last or both parameters should be omitted I am fine. I just pass the preceding parameters. I don’t know how …

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