
AttributeError in ASGI/Daphne Django problem

AttributeError in ASGI/Daphne Django problem Question: I had done this tutorial for WebSocket with Django but I have this problem when I execute "python manage.py runserver": HTTP GET /chat/hello/ 200 [0.01,] WebSocket HANDSHAKING /ws/chat/hello/ [] Exception inside application: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘decode’ Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:ProjectsNew Backendvenvlibsite-packagesdjangocontribstaticfileshandlers.py", line 101, …

Total answers: 2

Asyncio with 2 websockets

Asyncio with 2 websockets Question: I trying to maintain 2 websockets connection open at the same time and have them send their response to a third async function, but I can’t seem to get it to work. async def checking(): while True: print(‘Im here.’) await asyncio.sleep(3) async def public_handler(response): if type(response) == list: print(response[1]) await …

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WebSockets in FastAPI – ConnectionClosedOK: received 1000 (OK)

WebSockets in FastAPI – ConnectionClosedOK: received 1000 (OK) Question: I have 3 clients, who periodically send data to my server. I use the example from FastAPI’s documentation. This is my server code: class ConnectionManager: def __init__(self): self.active_connections: list[WebSocket] = [] async def connect(self, websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() self.active_connections.append(websocket) def disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket): self.active_connections.remove(websocket) async def …

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How to stop websocket.WebSocketApp logs being generated

How to stop websocket.WebSocketApp logs being generated Question: I am using the websocket.WebSocketApp to send and receive messages on websocket. I am able to run the application and can send and receive messages. but wherever I received or send any message many logs are getting generated as shown below. ++Sent raw: b’x82xfex05Xx’ ++Rcv raw: b’x81p …

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Host header differs from Target in handshake request for WebSocket

Host header differs from Target in handshake request for WebSocket Question: I am intercepting WebSocket traffic from the garage door opener app called Linear (iOS/Android) and it looks to use Azure guessing by the domain names (trafficmanager.net, cloudapp.net, etc…). When it makes it’s initial HTTP request to upgrade to WebSocket, it sends this request to …

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Raspberry Pi unable to connect to Windows Websocket

Raspberry Pi unable to connect to Windows Websocket Question: I am attempting to send data from a Python script running on a Raspberry Pi to a Java Micronaut ServerWebSocket running on a Windows machine, but I am getting asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError errors during the process. I attempted to use the websockets library in Python on the Raspberry …

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WebSocket connection error when creating a chat application with Django

WebSocket connection error when creating a chat application with Django Question: I am working on a chat application which is like a whatsapp web clone. I have been stuck dealing with websocket connection as it cannot connect to the specified address. I am getting the error WebSocket connection to ‘ws://’ failed:. The url specified is …

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SSL pickle error when running multiprocess inside class's method and websocket

SSL pickle error when running multiprocess inside class's method and websocket Question: I am creating a phyton object that establishes a websocket connection. Depending the message that I receive, I would like to run a class’s method on a child-process using multiprocessing. However, I get the error cannot pickle ‘SSLSocket’ object. Why does it happen? …

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Python websockets module tutorial script does not run correctly

Python websockets module tutorial script does not run correctly Question: I am trying to mess around with the websockets module from python in order to make a simple chat server. I went to their quick start guide (found here: https://websockets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/howto/quickstart.html) and copied and pasted their server.py script and client.py script: server.py: import asyncio import websockets …

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How to return json from FastAPI (Backend) with websocket to vue (Frontend)

How to return JSON from FastAPI (backend) with websocket to Vue (frontend)? Question: I have an application, in which the frontend is implemented in Vue and the backend uses FastAPI framework. The communication is achieved through websockets. Currently, the frontend allows the user to enter a term, which is sent to the backend to generate …

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