
Remove the "RE:" when replying to emails using Python

Remove the "RE:" when replying to emails using Python Question: I am using python to automate some outlook email replies and I need to remove the "RE:" from the subject when using the email.ReplyAll(), I tried to do email.Subject = subject before replying but it still adds the "RE:". FYI, I do not intend to …

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Win32 not recognising the outlook email in Jupyter notebook

Win32 not recognising the outlook email in Jupyter notebook Question: Tried to read the outlook email in jupyter notebook for creating a ML algorithm but the win32 is not recognising my outlook account. It was working fine yesterday but somehow same code not wrking today. Any suggestions please? Attached my code below. import win32com #.client …

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Sending emails with outlook using Python and HTML

Sending emails with outlook using Python and HTML Question: How do I successfully use a sender account with a password that is not already signed in to on the Outlook application on my laptop? I want to send a message from the example account, "[email protected]" but it has a password. I have this password. Am …

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How to trigger Python script when sending an Outlook email?

How to trigger Python script when sending an Outlook email? Question: I would like to trigger a Python script when I send an email through Outlook. So far I have only seen solutions to trigger a Python script when an email is received but not when sending an email. Asked By: ronmakh || Source Answers: …

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Unable to loop correctly

Unable to loop correctly Question: I am working on assignment to extract emails from the mailbox. Below are my codes, I am referencing from this case and combine with some other research online: import win32com.client import pandas as pd import os outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Aplication").GetNamespace("MAPI") inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6).Folders["Testmails"] condition = pd.read_excel(r"C:UsersAsusDesktopPythonCondition.xlsx", sheet_name = ‘endword’) emails = …

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Viewing content of outlook attachment in python

Viewing content of outlook attachment in python Question: I’m trying to use python to get some data that is in an attachment on an outlook email and then use that data in python. I’ve managed to write the code that will get into the outlook inbox and folder I want and then get the attachments …

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Why is this throwing an exception when I try to save the attachment from Outlook?

Why is this throwing an exception when I try to save the attachment from Outlook? Question: I am trying to iterate through the contents of a subfolder, and if the message contains an .xlsx attachment, download the attachment to a local directory. I have confirmed all other parts of this program work until that line, …

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win32com MSProject find value and related Unique ID

win32com MSProject find value and related Unique ID Question: writing python extension using win32com module to connect to MSProject. The tasks in the project have been ‘dispatched’ or not. If the task was not dispatched, the date is NULL. SO I iterate through the tasks and find those with ‘dispatch date’ == NULL, and place …

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