
Issue ploting WindRose using WINDROSE doc

Issue ploting WindRose using WINDROSE doc Question: I’m trying to plot the windrose using a set of monthly (2 years) wind data from era5 for a fixed coordinate (a point, latlon)… I transformed the data into a DataFrame (with columns: Datetime; direction; speed) but when I try to plot I get the following error message …

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Superimposing 2 Wind Roses into 1 Wind Rose

Superimposing 2 Wind Roses into 1 Wind Rose Question: I have 2 dataframes (1 is a climate average and 1 is a current month) of wind speed and wind direction of the same length that I need to combine or superimpose to 1 windrose. The idea is to combine in one image, the climate average …

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How to create a wind rose or polar bar plot

How to create a wind rose or polar bar plot Question: I would like to write scout report on some football players and for that I need visualizations. One type of which is pie charts. Now I need some pie charts that looks like below, with different size of slices ( proportionate to the number …

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Using the windrose package yields Affine2dbase error

Using the windrose package yields Affine2dbase error Question: I am trying a simple python windrose example from here Windrose Notebook Example using Anaconda2. But I get error messages ‘TypeError: unbound method __init__() must be called with Affine2DBase instance as first argument (got Affine2D instance instead)‘ when running the simple code below from windrose import WindroseAxes …

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subplots in windrose diagram

subplots in windrose diagram Question: I am very beginner to python. By following this example I tried to make windrose subplots like: but I am getting plots in this way: The code that I tried is: ws = np.random.random(500) * 6 wd = np.random.random(500) * 360 fig=plt.figure() rect=[0,0.5,0.4,0.4] wa=WindroseAxes(fig, rect) fig.add_axes(wa), ws, normed=True, opening=0.8, …

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Plotting a wind rose the Windrose Library

Plotting a wind rose the Windrose Library Question: I’ve got wind data which includes wind speed and wind direction. However, my wind direction is defined anti-clockwise. Meaning, 45 deg for my data is actually NW. Is there any chance to change this using Windrose in Python? I’ve got the following code to plot the Windrose: …

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custom scaling of wind rose python

custom scaling of a wind rose plot Question: I am trying to compare wind roses in python, but it is difficult because I cannot figure out how to make the same scale across all of the plots. Someone else asked the same question here Custom percentage scale used by but it was not answered …

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Tkinter canvas to plot windrose

Tkinter canvas to plot windrose Question: Having some trouble with plotting a Windrose within a tkinter window. I cant get the windrose to show by itself, the window shows another grid behind the plot(see picture below). Is there some way I could get this to only show the windrose without the extra grid in the …

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Subplot of Windrose in matplotlib

Subplot of Windrose in matplotlib Question: I am trying to make a figure with 4 subplots of windrose, But I realised that the windrose only have axis like this:ax = WindroseAxes.from_ax() So, how can I draw a subplots with windrose? Asked By: Owen || Source Answers: There are two solutions: (a) creating axes from rectangles …

Total answers: 3

Windrose legend bracket format and loc

Windrose legend bracket format and loc Question: Below I have plotted a wind rose using Windrose based on this. Firstly, the legend is covering part of the rose but when I try to use loc to set its location the legend disappears. Secondly, the legend closing brackets are wrong i.e. [0.0 : 1.0[ any idea …

Total answers: 1