
Customtkinter checkboxes are not starting at the same x axis

Customtkinter checkboxes are not starting at the same x axis Question: I want to make a python todo app with customtkinter. When i create a checkbox which has a longer text everytime something goes wrong and for something they just go away. Here is my code so far: from customtkinter import * from tkinter import …

Total answers: 2

Seaborn Align twinx and x Axis

Seaborn Align twinx and x Axis Question: I am trying to align X axis with its twin but I’m not finding a way to do it. Here is my code # Initialize the figure plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) # Adding a title plt.title(f’Client Retention Quarters: Monthly Cohorts’, fontsize = 14) # Creating the heatmap sns.heatmap(retention, annot = …

Total answers: 1

Plot on primary and secondary x and y axis with a reversed y axis

Plot on primary and secondary x and y axis with a reversed y axis Question: I have created this plot where I have "observed E. coli" on the the left side "y axis", "modelled E. coli" on the right side "y axis" and "dates" on the "x axis". The code is this # -*- coding: …

Total answers: 2

Setting ticks every minute with MinuteLocator for pandas.DataFrame.plot gives "OverflowError: int too big to convert"

Setting ticks every minute with MinuteLocator for pandas.DataFrame.plot gives "OverflowError: int too big to convert" Question: Setting minute minor ticks for 1-second sampled data raises: OverflowError: int too big to convert Consider this dataframe with a sample interval of 1 second that spans about 30 minutes: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import MinuteLocator import …

Total answers: 1

Tick labels on a pandas datetime axis are not aligned with the ticks

Tick labels on a pandas datetime axis are not aligned with the ticks Question: I’ve successfully created the code to generate a bunch of charts. However, the x axis labels are slightly offset (to the left) from the x axis tick marks. Dataframe stationId date variable value prefix uom 0 site 1 2016-04-07 pH 6.90 …

Total answers: 3