
trying to add sparklines to multiple rows with xlsxwriter

trying to add sparklines to multiple rows with xlsxwriter Question: Im trying to add sparklines into a column with xlsxwriter to my excel. I got it to work with just one row but i wanted to ask how i would do this for multiple rows without writing out multiple lines of code for each row. …

Total answers: 1

Python, Pandas : How to add formatting to excel file in case of MultiIndex?

Python, Pandas : How to add formatting to excel file in case of MultiIndex? Question: I created a data frame with multiple indexes, (3 headers, and two indexes) I exported it to excel using the .to_excel() method, the first screenshot: before and I want to change the colors to look something like the second screenshot: …

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for loop through multiple items based on a dataframe

for loop through multiple items based on a dataframe Question: So I have several dataframes of different widths. I want a for loop that will perform an operation on each dataframe’s columns: Table 1: col1 col2 col3 Hi 1 Jake Bye 2 Mike Red Blue Pink Table 2: cl1 cl2 cl3 c4 Frank Toy Hello …

Total answers: 2

how to export print result to excel using python (for loop)

how to export print result to excel using python (for loop) Question: Below is my code and need to generate the result into excel using xlsx writer module: a=3 mylist = [{‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2}, {‘c’: 3, ‘d’: 4}, {‘e’: 5, ‘f’: 6}] for i,l in zip(mylist,range(a)): print(‘r’) print(‘Result : {0}’.format(l)) for key,value in i.items(): …

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Python xlsxwriter loop through each worksheet in a workbook

Python xlsxwriter loop through each worksheet in a workbook Question: I want to iterate through each worksheet that I have created in a workbook with add_worksheet function. I want to do this with all the available sheets in the workbook and write ‘Hello’ in cell ‘A1’ of each sheet. Here is the code I am …

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Unhandled color format: '' " while using xlsxwriter pandas

Unhandled color format: '' " while using xlsxwriter pandas Question: I am trying to highlight cells when a certain criteria is met but if not, I don’t want to add any color. If I try with space, I get the aforementioned error. I can’t use white as the cell linings in excel vanish. Code: def …

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'Worksheet' object has no attribute 'set_column'

'Worksheet' object has no attribute 'set_column' Question: I am trying to auto adjust the length of every header in my dataframe while converting it to an excel file like the following: from pandas import ExcelWriter for k,v in final_1.items(): v.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=k, index=False) for column in v: column_length = max(v[column].astype(str).map(len).max(), len(column)) col_idx = v.columns.get_loc(column) writer.sheets[k].set_column(col_idx, col_idx, …

Total answers: 1

XlsxWriter chart without the Legend?

XlsxWriter chart without the Legend? Question: Hei! I want to make a cleaner look on a train analyze project. Have this Excel speardsheet: I want to show the chart without the -Serie1 text box. Some of the code in action: df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=’Year_sheet’, startrow=1, header=False, index=False) workbook = writer.book workbook = writer.book worksheet1 = writer.sheets[‘Year_sheet’] chart_weight …

Total answers: 1