
Extracting contents from an XML file with BeautifulSoup on Python

Extracting contents from an XML file with BeautifulSoup on Python Question: I have an XML structure like this: <Trainers> <Trainer name="VisitorID" value=" NPRoiuKL213kiolkm2231"/> <Trainer name="VisitorNumber" value="BR-76594823-009922"/> <Trainer name="ServerIndex" value="213122"/> <Trainer name="VisitorPolicyID" value="ETR1234123"/> </Trainers> I want to extract the values based on the Trainer names. So basically something like this: NPRoiuKL213kiolkm2231 from the VisitorID , BR-76594823-009922 …

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Create date intervals from number of hours

Create date intervals from number of hours Question: I am trying to create date intervals from the number of hours. Known variables are start_date, end_date and hour positions which are extracted from XML file. This is just one example as the time frame can also be one month with different hour positions and thus intervals. …

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How to rewrite thid XML file?

How to rewrite thid XML file? Question: I trying to rewrite this xml file containing this XML code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BrowserAutomationStudioProject> <ModelList> <Model> <Name>token</Name> <Description ru="token" en="token"/> <Value>5660191076:AAEY8RI3hXcI3dEvjWAj7p2e7DdxOMNjPfk8</Value> </Model> <Defaults/> <Model> <Name>chat_id</Name> <Value>5578940124</Value> </Model> <Defaults/> </ModelList> </BrowserAutomationStudioProject> My python code: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse(‘Actual.xml’) root = tree.getroot() for model in root.findall(‘Model’): …

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How to manipulate xml based on the specific tags?

How to manipulate xml based on the specific tags? Question: There’s an XML something like this <OUTER> <TYPE>FIRST</TYPE> <FIELD1>1</FIELD1> <ID>55056</ID> <TASK> <FILE> <OPTIONS>1</OPTIONS> </FILE> </TASK> </OUTER> <OUTER> <TYPE>SECOND</TYPE> <FIELD1>2</FIELD1> <ID>58640</ID> <TASK> <FILE> <OPTIONS>1</OPTIONS> </FILE> </TASK> </OUTER> The text in the tag ID needs to be updated with a new value, it’s present in this variable …

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SAX Parser in Python

SAX Parser in Python Question: I am parsing xml files in a folder using Python SAX Parser and writing the output in CSV using pandas, But I am getting only the data from last file in the CSV. I am new to Python and this is for the first time trying SAX Parsing File read: …

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Split the texts in the array into words Python

Split the texts in the array into words Python Question: Is there a way to split the text of each input in an array to words with a separator? Example Input tag_attribute = [‘Content_ExportDate’,’Controller_SoftwareRevision’,’DataType_Owner’] With the separator as ‘_’, the expected printed result: Tag: Content Attribute: Exportdate Tag: Controller Attribute: SoftwareRevision Tag: DataType Attribute: Owner …

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How to strip html elements from string in nested list, Python

How to strip html elements from string in nested list, Python Question: I decided to use BeautifulSoup for extracting string integers from Pandas column. BeautifulSoup works well applied on a simple example, however, does not work for a list column in Pandas. I cannot find any mistake. Can you help? Input: df = pd.DataFrame({ "col1":[["<span …

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Parse XML file and output JSON with Python

Parse XML file and output JSON with Python Question: I am quite new to Python. I’m currently trying to parse xml files getting their information and printing them as JSON. I have managed to parse the xml file, but I cannot print them as JSON. In addition, in my printjson function, the function did not …

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xml parsing with extra 'n' and whitespaces using lxml library

xml parsing with extra 'n' and whitespaces using lxml library Question: I wrote a python program with lxml library to parse a xml file using its xpath. The value and xpath are all correct but it returns many ‘n’ and white spaces just like the xml file’s formatting. here is my code: from lxml import …

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xpath error, XPath position >= 1 expected

xpath error, XPath position >= 1 expected Question: I am trying to parse a xml from a string. Below is the xml in the string. <xc:Application class="bril::lumistore::Application" id="111" instance="0" logpolicy="inherit" network="local" service="lumistore"> <ns4:properties xsi_type="soapenc:Struct"> <ns4:datasources soapenc_arrayType="xsd:ur-type[1]" xsi_type="soapenc:Array"> <ns4:item soapenc_position="[0]" xsi_type="soapenc:Struct"> <ns4:properties xsi_type="soapenc:Struct"> <ns4:bus xsi_type="xsd:string">brildata</ns4:bus> <ns4:topics xsi_type="xsd:string">tcds,beam,bestlumi,bcm1fagghist,bcm1flumi,bcm1fbkg,pltaggzero,pltlumizero,hfoclumi,hfOcc1Agg,bunchmask,ScopeData,atlasbeam,hfetlumi,hfEtSumAgg,hfafterglowfrac,hfEtPedestal,dtlumi,bunchlength,radmonraw,radmonflux,radmonlumi,pltslinklumi,bcm1futca_bkg12,bcm1futca_background,bcm1futcalumi,remuslumi,remuslumi_5514,remuslumi_5515,remuslumi_5516,remuslumi_5517,bcm1futca_agg_hist</ns4:topics> </ns4:properties> </ns4:item> </ns4:datasources> <ns4:maxstalesec xsi_type="xsd:unsignedInt">30</ns4:maxstalesec> <ns4:checkagesec xsi_type="xsd:unsignedInt">10</ns4:checkagesec> <ns4:maxsizeMB xsi_type="xsd:unsignedInt">120</ns4:maxsizeMB> …

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