
YOLOv5: does best.pt control for overfitting?

YOLOv5: does best.pt control for overfitting? Question: After each YOLOv5 training, two model files are saved: last.pt and best.pt. I’m aware that: last.pt is the latest saved checkpoint of the model. This will be updated after each epoch. best.pt is the checkpoint that has the best validation loss so far. It is updated whenever the …

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Specify a class to detect using YOLOv8 on pre-trained model

Specify a class to detect using YOLOv8 on pre-trained model Question: I’m new to YOLOv8, I just want the model to detect only some classes, not all the 80 classes the model trained on. How can I specify YOLOv8 model to detect only one class? For example only person. from ultralytics import YOLO model = …

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torch hub error for yolov5 in ubuntu aws ec2 instance

torch hub error for yolov5 in ubuntu aws ec2 instance Question: I install torch and open cv like this pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio –extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu pip install opencv-python then I run this code in ubuntu aws ec2 instance import torch # Model model = torch.hub.load(‘ultralytics/yolov5’, ‘yolov5s’) # Image im = ‘car.jpg’ # Inference results …

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ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.2.0(from versions: none) ERROR:No matching distribution found for torch==1.2.0

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.2.0(from versions: none) ERROR:No matching distribution found for torch==1.2.0 Question: I’m trying to install yolov5 on my Mac M1 using the followwing commands: git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.git then: cd yolov5 But when I tried to install the requirmets from the requirments.txt file with below command: pip …

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How to load custom yolo v-7 trained model

How to load custom yolo v-7 trained model Question: How do I load a custom yolo v-7 model. This is how I know to load a yolo v-5 model : model = torch.hub.load(‘ultralytics/yolov5’, ‘custom’, path=’yolov5/runs/train/exp15/weights/last.pt’, force_reload=True) I saw videos online and they suggested to use this : !python detect.py –weights runs/train/yolov7x-custom/weights/best.pt –conf 0.5 –img-size 640 …

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How to output all class in order from left to right from top to bottom in Yolo7?

How to output all class in order from left to right from top to bottom in Yolo7? Question: I tested with random images and the output like this: 3 Cars,4 persons,5 Dogs how to print all class from left to right from top to bottom: car,person,person,person,dog,person,car,dog…… Asked By: Hùng Kj || Source Answers: enter image …

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How to load custom model in pytorch

How to load custom model in pytorch Question: I’m trying to load my pretrained model (yolov5n) and test it with the following code in PyTorch: import os import torch model = torch.load(os.getcwd()+’/weights/last.pt’) # Images imgs = [‘https://example.com/img.jpg’] # Inference results = model(imgs) # Results results.print() results.save() # or .show() results.xyxy[0] # img1 predictions (tensor) results.pandas().xyxy[0] …

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How to get class and bounding box coordinates from YOLOv5 predictions?

How to get class and bounding box coordinates from YOLOv5 predictions? Question: I am trying to perform inference on my custom YOLOv5 model. The official documentation uses the default detect.py script for inference. I have written my own python script but I cannot access the predicted class and the bounding box coordinates from the output …

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Realtime yolov5 detection with Desktop screen as input

Realtime yolov5 detection with Desktop screen as input Question: I have a script that grabs an application’s screenshot and displays it. it works quite nicely on my machine like a video with around 60FPS. import os os.getcwd() from PIL import ImageGrab import numpy as np import cv2 import pyautogui import win32gui import time from mss …

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