
YouTube Core Error Domain: Service Unavailable

YouTube Core Error Domain: Service Unavailable Question: I have a Python script that uses the YouTube API to add a video to a playlist that I created. Some of the time the function works, but other times, when I try to execute the request, I get this error message: googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 409 when requesting …

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How to get videos duration using youtube api playlistItems

How to get videos duration using youtube api playlistItems Question: I wanna get all videos from playlist with it’s url. So, it works, but I have a problem, that youtube removed a way to get videos duration using playlistItems().list(). It used to be in ‘contentDetails’, but now there are only ‘videoId’ and ‘videoPublishedAt’. We can …

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Not sure of the Print Structure with YouTube v3 API

Not sure of the Print Structure with YouTube v3 API Question: So I was creating a script to list information from Google’s V3 YouTube API and I used the structure that was shown on their Site describing it, so I’m pretty sure I’m misunderstanding something. I tried using the structure that was shown to print …

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Getting the "videoId" from a YouTube video using YouTubeV3-API

Getting the "videoId" from a YouTube video using YouTubeV3-API Question: As the title suggests I am trying to get the "videoId" from a YouTube video. Currently this is my code, it can be replicated. import requests channel_id = "UCfjTZZ3iqy24oSg-bmi2waw" api_key = "" api_url = f"{channel_id}&maxResults=1&order=date&type=video&key={api_key}" request = requests.get(api_url).text print(request) When doing this method it returns …

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Get Youtube's most replayed data through web scraping

Get Youtube's most replayed data through web scraping Question: I want to get data out of youtube’s "heat-map" feature, which is present in videos with certain features. This is an example. I want to retrieve this data somehow yet Youtube API’s don’t provide it and, this api doesn’t always work. I’m aware they probably use …

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How to fix data storing?

How to fix data storing? Question: im beginner and I just create my pagination loop for YouTube Data Api search list that return me 100 YouTube search results but when it need to be converted into the Pandas data frame it using only the last part of returned data. For example if my max results …

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"Most Replayed" Data of Youtube Video via API

"Most Replayed" Data of YouTube Video via API Question: Is there any way to extract the "Most Replayed" (aka Video Activity Graph) Data from a YouTube video via API? What I’m referring to: Asked By: prodohsamuel || Source Answers: One more time YouTube Data API v3 doesn’t provide a basic feature. I recommend you to …

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How to extract all YouTube comments using YouTube API? (Python)

How to extract all YouTube comments using YouTube API? (Python) Question: Let’s say I have a video_id having 8487 comments. This code returns only 4309 comments. def get_comments(youtube, video_id, comments=[], token=”): video_response=youtube.commentThreads().list(part=’snippet’, videoId=video_id, pageToken=token).execute() for item in video_response[‘items’]: comment = item[‘snippet’][‘topLevelComment’] text = comment[‘snippet’][‘textDisplay’] comments.append(text) if "nextPageToken" in video_response: return get_comments(youtube, video_id, comments, video_response[‘nextPageToken’]) else: …

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Check and see if video is available on YouTube Music using the YouTube API

Check and see if video is available on YouTube Music using the YouTube API Question: Hey guys I’m working on a little project to automate some of my playlists on YouTube Music, although I am running into a problem where some of the songs I am finding are available on YouTube, but not YouTube Music …

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Returning the time stamps of youtube videos based on a list of video ids

Returning the time stamps of youtube videos based on a list of video ids Question: You can run my code in this google colab file –> So I wrote a script that takes a VideoID of a YouTube video like: VideoID = ‘3c584TGG7jQ’ Based on this VideoID my script returns a list of dictionaries …

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