how to pass data in variables between functions


How can I store and pass the contents of r from main to two? It will print r if I set it to a fixed value; but how do I do it with variable contents? I tried random.getstate/setstate but it was saying "function object not subscriptable".

import random
from random import randrange

def main():
    r = random.randrange(1,13,1)
    print (r)
r = random.randrange(1,13,1)

def two():
    if r==7 or r==11:
       print (r)
       print (r)

Asked By: user1316212



Well, depending on the situation, you either want to make a class or return the data, then pass it in as an argument, the latter is probably what you want given your code, so, for example:

def main():
  r = do_something()
  return r

def two(r):

r = main()

If this was happening within something you could define as an entity, you could do it in a class:

class Main():
  def main(self):
    self.r = do_something()

  def two(self):

main = Main()

However, in this case, this is unnecessary as you are creating a class that doesn’t really encapsulate anything.

Answered By: Gareth Latty

Use return values and function parameters:

import random
from random import randrange

def main():
    r = random.randrange(1,13,1)
    return r

def two(r):
    if r==7 or r==11:
       print (r)
       print (r)

r = main()

The function main computes the random value and then returns it to the place where it was called. You can then store the return value in a variable (also called r in this case: r = main()). It does not need to be called r though, you can also name it something else.

To pass the value to two, you can pass it as parameter. As you can see in def two(r):, the function two now expects a parameter (also called r) and it is used in that function. Again, this does not need to be called r but it seems fitting to use the same name.

Answered By: Simeon Visser