django 1.4 how to automatically get user's timezone from client


I would like to know if there is a way to automatically retrieve user’s timezone from client. Especially during login.

I tried to add this in the login page (using auth.login):

{% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %}

and then add this in the login form

<input type="hidden" name="next" value="/redirect/?tz={{ TIME_ZONE }}">

but tz is always the timezone of the server.

Asked By: xpanta



From the documentation:

Selecting the current time zone

The current time zone is the
equivalent of the current locale for translations. However, there’s no
equivalent of the Accept-Language HTTP header that Django could use to
determine the user’s time zone automatically. Instead, Django provides
time zone selection functions. Use them to build the time zone
selection logic that makes sense for you.

You can try setting timezone cookie via javascript by utilizing getTimezoneOffset function or try to do some geoip magic and figure timezone by location. Probably the most reliable way would be to ask the user directly and save this information in user profile/session.

Answered By: BluesRockAddict

I was hunting around for the sam thing yesterday. In the end I ended up putting together a Django app to what BluesRockAddict suggests above (i.e. use getTimezoneOffset):

I hope someone finds that useful.

Answered By: Adam Charnock

I currently created a middleware class (following Django’s documentation) in which I rely on MaxMind geoip database ( and GeoDjango ( to retrive user’s country code and then set the timezone dynamically using pytz:

class TimezoneMiddleware(object):

    def __getUserTimeZone(self, request):
        info = IPResolver(request).getGeoInfo()
        return pytz.country_timezones[info['country_code']][0]

    def process_request(self, request):
            tz = self.__getUserTimeZone(request)
            logger.debug('Time zone "%s" activated' % str(tz))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('Unable to set timezone: %s' % str(e))

pytz.country_timezones returns a collection of time zones available for the given country, so I basically choose the first one returned.

IPResolver is a personal utility class I wrote on top of django.contrib.gis.utils.GeoIP

Answered By: daveoncode

I’ve simplified it even further, and you can plug in in here:

Answered By: Rich Jones

There is a nice APP for django to activate timezone Which having two middleware


The middleware activates a timezone for an authenticated user.


This middleware adds the following keys to the request.visitor dictionary:

country – country the visitor is based in.

city – city the visitor is based in

location.timezone – timezone used in the location visitor is based in

location.unit_system – unit system used in the location visitor is based in

user.timezone – timezone of the currently authenticated user

user.unit_system – unit system of the currently authenticated user.

cookie_notice – True if a cookie consent notice should be displayed for the current visitor.

Note: Location of the user is determined based on the user's IP address.
Answered By: Ranju R

I just did this in my program. In my js:

  var today = new Date()
  var offset = today.getTimezoneOffset()
  const serializedData = 'csrfmiddlewaretoken={{ csrf_token }}&tz_offset= ' 
  + offset.toString() 

Then on the django side:

def your_function(request):
    tz_offset = request.POST.get('tz_offset')
    now = - timedelta(minutes=int(tz_offset))
    return now

I pass the serializedData into the POST request and then access that in my function

   function update_transaction(serializedData){
    $.post('{% url "your_url" %}', serializedData, function(data){
        //do stuff

Answered By: B.Shreve
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