How to set the working directory for a Fabric task?


Assuming I define a trivial task to list files on a remote server:

from fabric.api import run, env

env.use_ssh_config = True

def list_files():

And I execute it with:

fab -H server list_files

How can I specify the working directory for the command I’m running, other than doing:

run('cd /tmp && ls')

Which doesn’t look very idiomatic to me?

Disclaimer: I’m looking at Fabric for the first time in my life and I’m totally new to Python.

Asked By: Roberto Aloi



Use the Context Manager cd:

from fabric.api import run, env
from fabric.context_managers import cd

env.use_ssh_config = True

def list_files():
    with cd('/tmp'):
Answered By: Daniel Hepper

Answer for fabric 2.4.0 looks like this:

from fabric import Connection

conn = Connection(host=HOST_NAME, user=USER_NAME, connect_kwargs={'password': PASSWORD})

with'/tmp/'):'ls -la')

This is not covered by the fabric documentation but by the invoke documentation.

Answered By: Roman
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