Identify duplicate values in a list in Python


Is it possible to get which values are duplicates in a list using python?

I have a list of items:

    mylist = [20, 30, 25, 20]

I know the best way of removing the duplicates is set(mylist), but is it possible to know what values are being duplicated? As you can see, in this list the duplicates are the first and last values. [0, 3].

Is it possible to get this result or something similar in python? I’m trying to avoid making a ridiculously big if elif conditional statement.

Asked By: Hairo



These answers are O(n), so a little more code than using mylist.count() but much more efficient as mylist gets longer

If you just want to know the duplicates, use collections.Counter

from collections import Counter
mylist = [20, 30, 25, 20]
[k for k,v in Counter(mylist).items() if v>1]

If you need to know the indices,

from collections import defaultdict
D = defaultdict(list)
for i,item in enumerate(mylist):
D = {k:v for k,v in D.items() if len(v)>1}
Answered By: John La Rooy

Here’s a list comprehension that does what you want. As @Codemonkey says, the list starts at index 0, so the indices of the duplicates are 0 and 3.

>>> [i for i, x in enumerate(mylist) if mylist.count(x) > 1]
[0, 3]
Answered By: Junuxx

The following list comprehension will yield the duplicate values:

[x for x in mylist if mylist.count(x) >= 2]
Answered By: Swiss

You should sort the list:


After this, iterate through it like this:

doubles = []
for i, elem in enumerate(mylist):
    if i != 0:
        if elem == old:
            old = None
    old = elem
Answered By: Sven Hager

That’s the simplest way I can think for finding duplicates in a list:

my_list = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1]

for i in range(0,len(my_list)-1):
               if my_list[i] == my_list[i+1]:
                   print str(my_list[i]) + ' is a duplicate'
Answered By: Andreampa
m = len(mylist)
for index,value in enumerate(mylist):
        for i in xrange(1,m):
                if(index != i):
                    if (L[i] == L[index]):
                        print "Location %d and location %d has same list-entry:  %r" % (index,i,value)

This has some redundancy that can be improved however.

Answered By: Anon

You can use list compression and set to reduce the complexity.

my_list = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1]
opt = [item for item in set(my_list) if my_list.count(item) > 1]
Answered By: ramchauhan

simplest way without any intermediate list using list.index():

z = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'a', ]
[z[i] for i in range(len(z)) if i == z.index(z[i])]
>>>['a', 'b', 'c']

and you can also list the duplicates itself (may contain duplicates again as in the example):

[z[i] for i in range(len(z)) if not i == z.index(z[i])]
>>>['a', 'b', 'a']

or their index:

[i for i in range(len(z)) if not i == z.index(z[i])]
>>>[2, 4, 5]

or the duplicates as a list of 2-tuples of their index (referenced to their first occurrence only), what is the answer to the original question!!!:

[(i,z.index(z[i])) for i in range(len(z)) if not i == z.index(z[i])]
>>>[(2, 0), (4, 1), (5, 0)]

or this together with the item itself:

[(i,z.index(z[i]),z[i]) for i in range(len(z)) if not i == z.index(z[i])]
>>>[(2, 0, 'a'), (4, 1, 'b'), (5, 0, 'a')]

or any other combination of elements and indices….

Answered By: JoeX

I tried below code to find duplicate values from list

1) create a set of duplicate list

2) Iterated through set by looking in duplicate list.

glist=[1, 2, 3, "one", 5, 6, 1, "one"]
for c in x:


[1, ‘one’]

Now get the all index for duplicate element

glist=[1, 2, 3, "one", 5, 6, 1, "one"]
for c in x:
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(glist) if x == c]


[(1, [0, 6]), (‘one’, [3, 7])]

Hope this helps someone

Answered By: Rohan Khude

The following code will fetch you desired results with duplicate items and their index values.

  for i in set(mylist):
    if mylist.count(i) > 1:
         print(i, mylist.index(i))
Answered By: Ashish Srivastava

You can print duplicate and Unqiue using below logic using list.

def dup(x):
    duplicate = []
    unique = []
    for i in x:
        if i in unique:
    print("Duplicate values: ",duplicate)
    print("Unique Values: ",unique)

list1 = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5]
Answered By: Aashutosh Kumar
mylist = [20, 30, 25, 20]

kl = {i: mylist.count(i) for i in mylist if mylist.count(i) > 1 }

Answered By: Piyush
def checkduplicate(lists): 
 a = []
 for i in lists:
    if  i in a:
 return i          
Answered By: Ramyashree S

It looks like you want the indices of the duplicates. Here is some short code that will find those in O(n) time, without using any packages:

dups = {}
[dups.setdefault(v, []).append(i) for i, v in enumerate(mylist)]
dups = {k: v for k, v in dups.items() if len(v) > 1}
# dups now has keys for all the duplicate values
# and a list of matching indices for each

# The second line produces an unused list. 
# It could be replaced with this:
for i, v in enumerate(mylist):
    dups.setdefault(v, []).append(i)
Answered By: Matthias Fripp
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