Default window colour Tkinter and hex colour codes


I would like to know the default window colour in Tkinter when you simply create a window:

root = Tk()

If there is one, it is possible to set widgets to the same colour or use a hex colour code? (using rgb)

The colour code I have found for the ‘normal’ window is:

R = 240, G = 240, B = 237


Asked By: user2063



Not sure exactly what you’re looking for, but will this work?

import Tkinter

mycolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (64, 204, 208)  # set your favourite rgb color
mycolor2 = '#40E0D0'  # or use hex if you prefer 
root = Tkinter.Tk()
Tkinter.Button(root, text="Press me!", bg=mycolor, fg='black',
               activebackground='black', activeforeground=mycolor2).pack()

If you just want to find the current value of the window, and set widgets to use it, cget might be what you want:

import Tkinter

root = Tkinter.Tk()
defaultbg = root.cget('bg')
Tkinter.Button(root,text="Press me!", bg=defaultbg).pack()

If you want to set the default background color for new widgets, you can use the tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw) method:

root.tk_setPalette(background='#40E0D0', foreground='black',
               activeBackground='black', activeForeground=mycolor2)
Tkinter.Button(root, text="Press me!").pack()

Then your widgets would have this background color by default, without having to set it in the widget parameters. There’s a lot of useful information provided with the inline help functions import Tkinter; help(Tkinter.Tk)

Answered By: rudivonstaden

rudivonstaden’s answer led me to a solution to the problem, although for some reason root.cget("bg") fails because "bg" is an unknown color name.

However, knowing that a widget has a dictionary containing its properties means that root["bg"] returns the background color of the widget.

So if you create a window named myWindow without overriding your system’s default background color, then myWindow["bg"] is the default background color for a window, which can be used when creating frameless text fields within that window.

Answered By: Dave Cosmtock


Answered By: user5425048

I was trying to set a button’s color to the system default. This is the best solution I’ve come across:


How to set default background colour tkinter

Answered By: SKS

The default color for Tkinter window I found was #F0F0F0

Answered By: Alex Efron

Unfortunately this list is not ordered by hue, but rather alphabetically. However, it does contain all colors used by Tkinter and their corresponding hex codes (I found the list of colors at this site, which seems to be some sort of Tkinter manual, then I used Python to convert their listed RGB values to Hex). Hope this helps someone!

        {hex: '#F0F8FF', name: 'AliceBlue'},
        {hex: '#FAEBD7', name: 'AntiqueWhite'},
        {hex: '#FFEFDB', name: 'AntiqueWhite1'},
        {hex: '#EEDFCC', name: 'AntiqueWhite2'},
        {hex: '#CDC0B0', name: 'AntiqueWhite3'},
        {hex: '#8B8378', name: 'AntiqueWhite4'},
        {hex: '#00FFFF', name: 'agua'},
        {hex: '#7FFFD4', name: 'aquamarine'},
        {hex: '#7FFFD4', name: 'aquamarine1'},
        {hex: '#76EEC6', name: 'aquamarine2'},
        {hex: '#66CDAA', name: 'aquamarine3'},
        {hex: '#458B74', name: 'aquamarine4'},
        {hex: '#F0FFFF', name: 'azure'},
        {hex: '#F0FFFF', name: 'azure1'},
        {hex: '#E0EEEE', name: 'azure2'},
        {hex: '#C1CDCD', name: 'azure3'},
        {hex: '#838B8B', name: 'azure4'},
        {hex: '#F5F5DC', name: 'beige'},
        {hex: '#FFE4C4', name: 'bisque'},
        {hex: '#FFE4C4', name: 'bisque1'},
        {hex: '#EED5B7', name: 'bisque2'},
        {hex: '#CDB79E', name: 'bisque3'},
        {hex: '#8B7D6B', name: 'bisque4'},
        {hex: '#000000', name: 'black'},
        {hex: '#FFEBCD', name: 'BlanchedAlmond'},
        {hex: '#0000FF', name: 'blue'},
        {hex: '#0000FF', name: 'blue1'},
        {hex: '#0000EE', name: 'blue2'},
        {hex: '#0000CD', name: 'blue3'},
        {hex: '#00008B', name: 'blue4'},
        {hex: '#8A2BE2', name: 'BlueViolet'},
        {hex: '#A52A2A', name: 'brown'},
        {hex: '#FF4040', name: 'brown1'},
        {hex: '#EE3B3B', name: 'brown2'},
        {hex: '#CD3333', name: 'brown3'},
        {hex: '#8B2323', name: 'brown4'},
        {hex: '#DEB887', name: 'burlywood'},
        {hex: '#FFD39B', name: 'burlywood1'},
        {hex: '#EEC591', name: 'burlywood2'},
        {hex: '#CDAA7D', name: 'burlywood3'},
        {hex: '#8B7355', name: 'burlywood4'},
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        {hex: '#BA55D3', name: 'MediumOrchid'},
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        {hex: '#FFE4E1', name: 'MistyRose1'},
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        {hex: '#FFEFD5', name: 'papaya whip'},
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        {hex: '#FFDAB9', name: 'PeachPuff'},
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        {hex: '#00FF7F', name: 'SpringGreen1'},
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        {hex: '#4F94CD', name: 'SteelBlue3'},
        {hex: '#36648B', name: 'SteelBlue4'},
        {hex: '#D2B48C', name: 'tan'},
        {hex: '#FFA54F', name: 'tan1'},
        {hex: '#EE9A49', name: 'tan2'},
        {hex: '#CD853F', name: 'tan3'},
        {hex: '#8B5A2B', name: 'tan4'},
        {hex: '#008080', name: 'teal'},
        {hex: '#D8BFD8', name: 'thistle'},
        {hex: '#FFE1FF', name: 'thistle1'},
        {hex: '#EED2EE', name: 'thistle2'},
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        {hex: '#8B7B8B', name: 'thistle4'},
        {hex: '#FF6347', name: 'tomato'},
        {hex: '#FF6347', name: 'tomato1'},
        {hex: '#EE5C42', name: 'tomato2'},
        {hex: '#CD4F39', name: 'tomato3'},
        {hex: '#8B3626', name: 'tomato4'},
        {hex: '#40E0D0', name: 'turquoise'},
        {hex: '#00F5FF', name: 'turquoise1'},
        {hex: '#00E5EE', name: 'turquoise2'},
        {hex: '#00C5CD', name: 'turquoise3'},
        {hex: '#00868B', name: 'turquoise4'},
        {hex: '#EE82EE', name: 'violet'},
        {hex: '#D02090', name: 'VioletRed'},
        {hex: '#FF3E96', name: 'VioletRed1'},
        {hex: '#EE3A8C', name: 'VioletRed2'},
        {hex: '#CD3278', name: 'VioletRed3'},
        {hex: '#8B2252', name: 'VioletRed4'},
        {hex: '#F5DEB3', name: 'wheat'},
        {hex: '#FFE7BA', name: 'wheat1'},
        {hex: '#EED8AE', name: 'wheat2'},
        {hex: '#CDBA96', name: 'wheat3'},
        {hex: '#8B7E66', name: 'wheat4'},
        {hex: '#FFFFFF', name: 'white'},
        {hex: '#F5F5F5', name: 'WhiteSmoke'},
        {hex: '#FFFF00', name: 'yellow'},
        {hex: '#9ACD32', name: 'yellow green'},
        {hex: '#FFFF00', name: 'yellow1'},
        {hex: '#EEEE00', name: 'yellow2'},
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        {hex: '#8B8B00', name: 'yellow4'},
        {hex: '#9ACD32', name: 'YellowGreen'}
Answered By: todbott

I’m pretty sure it’s #DDDDDD. I can’t tell the difference between a button that I’ve specifically colored with bg='#dddddd' and one that was colored with the default color.

Answered By: thedude

In case anyone is still wondering what the default color is I have the answer.
There is a difference between the operating systems!

If you use Windows the default color is light gray [hex: #d9d9d9].

If you use macOs tkinder the default color is white [hex: #ffffff].

On Linux it is either light gray [hex: #d9d9d9] or white [hex: #ffffff] depending on your window manager and theme.

If neither of these applies to you, you can use this to get your window color:

default_color = root.cget("bg")
Answered By: Fabian
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