How do I obtain the Gtk3 selection color of a widget using GtkStyleContext


I’m trying to obtain the selection color of a Gtk3 IconView in python but I’m confused how to interpret the existing C++ documentation and how it relates to Python.

My current python code is as follows:

color = self.iconview.get_style().bg[Gtk.StateType.SELECTED]

This works ok in Ubuntu 12.04 – Gnome/Gtk 3.2 I think.

However the documentation here says get_style is deprecated since 3.0

In Ubuntu 12.10 which uses the latest GTK, the above does not work – I get an error:

CRITICAL **: StackOverflow protection.  Can't copy array element into GIArgument

The document says I should use GtkStyleContext – but how?

Can anyone give me a concrete python example?

Asked By: fossfreedom



In C:

GdkRGBA color;
GtkStyleContext *style =
    (style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED, &color);

Python translation by fossfreedom:

context = self.iconview.get_style_context()
color = context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED)

It appears that the GtkStyle struct from gtk2 was simply replaced with the more modern GtkStyleContext class in gtk3

Answered By: Ancurio

The new answer is “you don’t”. There isn’t necessarily a single background color any more.

Per the documentation of

“This function is far less useful than it seems, and it should not be used in newly written code. CSS has no concept of “background color”, as a background can be an image, or a gradient, or any other pattern including solid colors.”

Answered By: atrus

I guess this would somehow also work for the IconView. You can use Gtk.StyleContext().lookup_color(name) (, which works for various colors of the theme

Here is an example

The names you see in the code are extracted from the /usr/share/themes folder, searching for @define-color statements

To my knowledge this doesn’t use any deprecated function.

Answered By: sezanzeb
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