Rounding down integers to nearest multiple


Is there a function in Python that allows me to round down to the nearest multiple of an integer?


I conscientiously looked at SO and found nothing related to rounding down to a nearest base. Please keep this in mind before you post links to related questions or flag as duplicate.

Asked By: The Unfun Cat



def round_down(num, divisor):
    return num - (num%divisor)

In [2]: round_down(19,10)
Out[2]: 10

In [3]: round_down(19,5)
Out[3]: 15

In [4]: round_down(10,10)
Out[4]: 10
Answered By: inspectorG4dget

I ended up doing the following when in the same situation, making use of the floor function. In my case I was trying to round numbers down to nearest 1000.

from math import floor

def round_down(num, divisor):
    return floor(num / divisor) * divisor

Could do a similar thing with ceil if you wanted to define a corresponding always-round-up function as well(?)

Answered By: TheArchDev

This probably isn’t the most efficient solution, but

def round_down(m, n):
    return m // n * n

is pretty simple.

Answered By: PrimeNumbers
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