How to replace unicode characters in string with something else python?


I have a string that I got from reading a HTML webpage with bullets that have a symbol like “•” because of the bulleted list. Note that the text is an HTML source from a webpage using Python 2.7’s

I know the unicode character for the bullet character as U+2022, but how do I actually replace that unicode character with something else?

I tried doing
str.replace("•", "something")

but it does not appear to work… how do I do this?

Asked By: Rolando



import re
regex = re.compile("u'2022'",re.UNICODE)
newstring = re.sub(regex, something, yourstring, <optional flags>)
Answered By: David
  1. Decode the string to Unicode. Assuming it’s UTF-8-encoded:

  2. Call the replace method and be sure to pass it a Unicode string as its first argument:

    str.decode("utf-8").replace(u"u2022", "*")
  3. Encode back to UTF-8, if needed:

    str.decode("utf-8").replace(u"u2022", "*").encode("utf-8")

(Fortunately, Python 3 puts a stop to this mess. Step 3 should really only be performed just prior to I/O. Also, mind you that calling a string str shadows the built-in type str.)

Answered By: Fred Foo

Encode string as unicode.

>>> special = u"u2022"
>>> abc = u'ABC•def'
>>> abc.replace(special,'X')
Answered By: RParadox

Funny the answer is hidden in among the answers.

str.replace("•", "something") 

would work if you use the right semantics.


works wonders 😉 , thnx to RParadox for the hint.

Answered By: Mafketel

If you want to remove all u character. Code below for you

def replace_unicode_character(self, content: str):
    content = content.encode('utf-8')
    if "\x80" in str(content):
        count_unicode = 0
        i = 0
        while i < len(content):
            if "\x" in str(content[i:i + 1]):
                if count_unicode % 3 == 0:
                    content = content[:i] + b'x80x80x80' + content[i + 3:]
                i += 2
                count_unicode += 1
            i += 1

        content = content.replace(b'x80x80x80', b'')
    return content.decode('utf-8')
Answered By: Khánh Pluto

Try this one.

you will get the output in a normal string


and after that, you can perform any replacement.

Answered By: Rahul Kumar Gupta
str1 = "This is Pythonu500cPool"

Encode the string to ASCII and replace all the utf-8 characters with ‘?’.

str1 = str1.encode("ascii", "replace")

Decode the byte stream to string.

str1 = str1.decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")

Replace the question mark with the desired character.

str1 = str1.replace("?"," ")
Answered By: Ayushman Verma
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