How to specify date format when using pandas.to_csv?


The default output format of to_csv() is:

12/14/2012  12:00:00 AM

I cannot figure out how to output only the date part with specific format:


or date and time in two separate columns in the csv file:

20121214,  084530

The documentation is too brief to give me any clue as to how to do these. Can anyone help?

Asked By: user1642513



You could use strftime to save these as separate columns:

df['date'] = df['datetime'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%d%m%Y'))
df['time'] = df['datetime'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%H%M%S'))

and then be specific about which columns to export to csv:

df[['date', 'time', ... ]].to_csv('df.csv')
Answered By: Andy Hayden

Since version v0.13.0 (January 3, 2014) of Pandas you can use the date_format parameter of the to_csv method:

df.to_csv(filename, date_format='%Y%m%d')
Answered By: BubbleGuppies

To export as a timestamp, do this:

df.to_csv(filename, date_format='%s')

The %s format is not documented in python/pandas but works in this case.

I found the %s from the dates formats of ruby. Strftime doc for C here

Note that the timestamp miliseconds format %Q does not work with pandas (you’ll have a litteral %Q in the field instead of the date). I caried my sets with python 3.6 and pandas 0.24.1

Answered By: Benjamin Crouzier

Non of these timestamp formats seem to work for me.


from datetime import datetime
ordersUnleashed.to_csv('sendtoUnleashed.csv', date_format='%s.%f')

And from

No luck. Even tried pip install datetime.

Answered By: greyville