Where is the Python documentation for the special methods? (__init__, __new__, __len__, …)


Where is a complete list of the special double-underscore/dunder methods that can be used in classes? (e.g., __init__, __new__, __len__, __add__)

Asked By: mk12



Please take a look at the special method names section in the Python language reference.

Answered By: Martin Geisler

Dive Into Python has an excellent appendix for them.

Answered By: Jonny Buchanan

Familiarize yourself with the dir function.

Answered By: TheOne

For somebody who is relatively new to Python, and for whom the documentation is often not quite accessible enough (like myself): somebody wrote a nice introduction with lots of examples on how the special (magic) methods work, how to use them, etc.

If, like me, you want a plain, unadorned list, here it is. I compiled it based on the Python documentation link from the accepted answer.

Answered By: Justin

Do this if you prefer reading documentation from a CLI instead of the browser.


Answered By: IcarianComplex

Python’s double underscore (“dunder”) methods are also known as datamodel methods because they are at the core of Python’s data model, providing a protocol for customizing (overloading) built-in methods.
This is the reason why they are listed in the “Data Model” section of the Python’s documentation.

Answered By: user2314737

Following on from @Justin’s answer, he included 95 items, here are the dunder methods I could infer: # 105 on 2.7 and 108 on 3.10:

from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

# From https://github.com/Suor/funcy/blob/0ee7ae8/funcy/funcs.py#L34-L36
def rpartial(func, *args):
    """Partially applies last arguments."""
    return lambda *a: func(*(a + args))

dunders = tuple(filter(rpartial(str.startswith, "__"),
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html
                    chain.from_iterable(map(dir, (int, float, complex,
                                                  list, tuple, range,
                                                  str, bytes,
                                                  # 2.7: unicode,
                                                  bytearray, memoryview,
                                                  set, frozenset, dict, 
                                                  type, None, Ellipsis, 
                                                  NotImplemented, object)
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#dir
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#special-attributes
                    ("__dict__", "__class__", "__bases__", "__name__",
                     "__qualname__", "__mro__", "__subclasses__",
# https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#slots

Output on 3.10:

Answered By: Samuel Marks
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