Breakpoint-induced interactive debugging of Python with IPython


Say I have an IPython session, from which I call some script:

> run

Is there a way to induce a breakpoint in from which I can inspect my workspace from IPython?

I remember reading that in previous versions of IPython one could do:

from IPython.Debugger import Tracer;     

def my_function():
    x = 5
    print 5;

but the submodule Debugger does not seem to be available anymore.

Assuming that I have an IPython session open already: how can I stop my program a location of my choice and inspect my workspace with IPython?

In general, I would prefer solutions that do not require me to pre-specify line numbers, since I would like to possibly have more than one such call to Tracer() above and not have to keep track of the line numbers where they are.


Inside the IPython shell, you can do

from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
pdb = Pdb()

for example, or do the normal pdb.set_trace() inside your function.

Answered By: Daniel Roseman

You can run it and set a breakpoint at a given line with:

run -d -b12 myscript

Where -b12 sets a breakpoint at line 12. When you enter this line, you’ll immediately drop into pdb, and you’ll need to enter c to execute up to that breakpoint.

Answered By: Wilduck

I have always had the same question and the best workaround I have found which is pretty hackey is to add a line that will break my code, like so:

a = 1+2

Then when I run that code it will break, and I can do %debug to go there and inspect. You can also turn on %pdb to always go to point where your code breaks but this can be bothersome if you don’t want to inspect everywhere and everytime your code breaks. I would love a more elegant solution.

Answered By: dvreed77

The Tracer() still exists in ipython in a different module. You can do the following:

from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer

def my_function():
    x = 5
    print 5

Note the additional call parentheses around Tracer

edit: For IPython 6 onwards Tracer is deprecated so you should use set_trace() instead:

from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

def my_function():
    x = 5
    print 5
Answered By: pankaj

This is the version using the set_trace() method instead of the deprecated Tracer() one.

from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb

def my_function():
    x = 5
    print 5
Answered By: Medhat Omr

With Python 3 (v3.7+), there’s the new breakpoint() function. You can modify it’s behaviour so it’ll call ipython’s debugger for you.

Basically you can set an environment variable that points to a debugger function. (If you don’t set the variable, breakpoint() defaults to calling pdb.)

To set breakpoint() to call ipython’s debugger, set the environment variable (in your shell) like so:

# for bash/zsh users
export PYTHONBREAKPOINT='IPython.core.debugger.set_trace'
# powershell users

(Note, obviously if you want to permanently set the environment variable, you’ll need to modify your shell profile or system preferences.)

You can write:

def my_function():
    x = 5
    print 5;

And it’ll break into ipython’s debugger for you. I think it’s handier than having to import from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace and call set_trace().

Answered By: Donal

I see a lot of options here, but maybe not the following simple option.
Fire up ipython in the directory where is.
Turn the debugger on if you want the code to go into debug mode when it fails. Type %pdb.

In [1]: %pdb
Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON

Next type

In [2]: %run -d ./
*** Blank or comment
*** Blank or comment
NOTE: Enter 'c' at the ipdb>  prompt to continue execution.
      1 # system imports
----> 2 from os.path import join

Now you can set a breakpoint where ever you want it.
Type b 100 to have a breakpoint at line 100, or b to have a breakpoint at line 102 in
For instance:

ipdb> b 100

Then continue to run, or continue.

ipdb> c

Once the code fails, or reaches the breakpoint you can start using the full power of the python debugger pdb.

Note that pdb also allows the setting of a breakpoint at a function.

b(reak) [([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition]]

So you do not necessarily need to use line numbers.

Answered By: vaudt