Faster way of polygon intersection with shapely


I have a large number of polygons (~100000) and try to find a smart way of calculating their intersecting area with a regular grid cells.

Currently, I am creating the polygons and the grid cells using shapely (based on their corner coordinates). Then, using a simple for-loop I go through each polygon and compare it to nearby grid cells.

Just a small example to illustrate the polygons/grid cells.

from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon
# Example polygon 
xy = [[130.21001, 27.200001], [129.52, 27.34], [129.45, 27.1], [130.13, 26.950001]]
polygon_shape = Polygon(xy)
# Example grid cell
gridcell_shape = box(129.5, -27.0, 129.75, 27.25)
# The intersection

(BTW: the grid cells have the dimensions 0.25×0.25 and the polygons 1×1 at max)

Actually this is quite fast for an individual polygon/grid cell combo with around 0.003 seconds. However, running this code on a huge amount of polygons (each one could intersect dozens of grid cells) takes around 15+ minutes (up to 30+ min depending on the number of intersecting grid cells) on my machine which is not acceptable. Unfortunately, I have no idea how it is possible to write a code for polygon intersection to get the area of overlap. Do you have any tips? Is there an alternative to shapely?

Asked By: HyperCube



Consider using Rtree to help identify which grid cells that a polygon may intersect. This way, you can remove the for loop used with the array of lat/lons, which is probably the slow part.

Structure your code something like this:

from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from rtree import index
idx = index.Index()

# Populate R-tree index with bounds of grid cells
for pos, cell in enumerate(grid_cells):
    # assuming cell is a shapely object
    idx.insert(pos, cell.bounds)

# Loop through each Shapely polygon
for poly in polygons:
    # Merge cells that have overlapping bounding boxes
    merged_cells = cascaded_union([grid_cells[pos] for pos in idx.intersection(poly.bounds)])
    # Now do actual intersection
Answered By: Mike T

Since 2013/2014 Shapely has
STRtree. I have used it and it seems to work well.

Here is a snippet from the docstring:

STRtree is an R-tree that is created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive
algorithm. STRtree takes a sequence of geometry objects as initialization
parameter. After initialization the query method can be used to make a
spatial query over those objects.

>>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon
>>> from shapely.strtree import STRtree
>>> polys = [Polygon(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1))), Polygon(((0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0))), Polygon(((100, 100), (101, 100), (101, 101)))]
>>> s = STRtree(polys)
>>> query_geom = Polygon([(-1, -1), (2, 0), (2, 2), (-1, 2)])
>>> result = s.query(query_geom)
>>> polys[0] in result
Answered By: Phil

Here is another version of the answer but with more control over IoU

    def merge_intersecting_polygons(list_of_polygons, image_width, image_height):
    merge intersecting polygons with shapely library
    merge only if Intersection over Union is greater than 0.5
    speed up with STRTree
    # create shapely polygons
    shapely_polygons = []
    for polygon in list_of_polygons:
    # create STRTree
    tree = STRtree(shapely_polygons)
    # merge polygons
    merged_polygons = []
    for i, polygon in enumerate(shapely_polygons):
        # find intersecting polygons
        intersecting_polygons = tree.query(polygon)
        # merge intersecting polygons
        for intersecting_polygon in intersecting_polygons:
            if polygon != intersecting_polygon:
                # compute intersection over union
                intersection = polygon.intersection(intersecting_polygon).area
                union = polygon.union(intersecting_polygon).area
                iou = intersection/union
                if iou > 0.5:
                    # merge polygons
                    polygon = polygon.union(intersecting_polygon)
        # add merged polygon to list
    # remove duplicates
    merged_polygons = list(set(merged_polygons))
    # convert shapely polygons to list of polygons
    list_of_polygons = []
    for polygon in merged_polygons:
    return list_of_polygons

Answered By: Achyut Sarma
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