Delete letters from string


I have strings like ‘12454v’, ‘346346z’. I want to delete all letters from strings.

Re works fine:

import re
re.sub('[^0-9]','', str)

#return '12454'

Is there a way to do this without using regular expressions?

Asked By: dr0zd



In python 2 the second argument to the translate method allows you to specify characters to delete

The example given shows that you can use None as a translation table to just delete characters:

>>> 'read this short text'.translate(None, 'aeiou')
'rd ths shrt txt'

(You can get a list of all ASCII letters from the string module as string.letters.)

Update: Python 3 also has a translate method, though it requires a slightly different setup:

from string import ascii_letters
tr_table = str.maketrans({c:None for c in ascii_letters})

For the record, using translation tables in Python 2 is much, much faster than the join/filter method:

>>> timeit("''.join(filter(lambda c:not c.isalpha(), '12454v'))")
>>> timeit("''.join(filter(str.isdigit, '12454v'))") 
>>> timeit("'12454v'.translate(None, string.letters)", "import string")

Likewise in Python 3:

>>> timeit("'12454v'.translate(tr_table)", "import string; tr_table=str.maketrans({c:None for c in string.ascii_letters})")
>>> timeit("''.join(filter(lambda c:not c.isalpha(), '12454v'))")
Answered By: kojiro
>>> ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, '12454v'))
Answered By: Nicolas

I think you can try this with .translate method.

>>> import string
>>> str='12454v'
>>> str.translate(None, string.letters)

There is a very good answer about .translate method here.

Answered By: Ye Lin Aung

This is a somewhat less elegant than the others because it’s not using a specific function and is somewhat more clunky:

newStr = ''
for char in myStr:
        newStr += str(int(char))
    except ValueError:
print newStr

Again, this isn’t best way, but I’m just throwing it out there.
I converted it to an int first so that it can check whether or not is an integer. Then, I convert it to a str so that it can be added to newStr.

On another note, you shouldn’t use str as a variable name because it shadows the built-in function str().

Answered By: Rushy Panchal

For Python 3.10 I had to do the following:

import string
l = string.ascii_letters
trans = "".maketrans(l, l, l)
s = "123abc"
s = s.translate(trans)
Answered By: nikhilweee
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