Get group id back into pandas dataframe


For dataframe

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['foo', 'bar'] * 3,
   ...:                    'Rank': np.random.randint(0,3,6),
   ...:                    'Val': np.random.rand(6)})
   ...: df
  Name  Rank       Val
0  foo     0  0.299397
1  bar     0  0.909228
2  foo     0  0.517700
3  bar     0  0.929863
4  foo     1  0.209324
5  bar     2  0.381515

I’m interested in grouping by Name and Rank and possibly getting aggregate values

In [3]: group = df.groupby(['Name', 'Rank'])
In [4]: agg = group.agg(sum)
In [5]: agg
Name Rank          
bar  0     1.839091
     2     0.381515
foo  0     0.817097
     1     0.209324

But I would like to get a field in the original df that contains the group number for that row, like

In [13]: df['Group_id'] = [2, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1]
In [14]: df
  Name  Rank       Val  Group_id
0  foo     0  0.299397         2
1  bar     0  0.909228         0
2  foo     0  0.517700         2
3  bar     0  0.929863         0
4  foo     1  0.209324         3
5  bar     2  0.381515         1

Is there a good way to do this in pandas?

I can get it with python,

In [16]: from itertools import count
In [17]: c = count()
In [22]: group.transform(lambda x:
0    2
1    0
2    2
3    0
4    3
5    1

but it’s pretty slow on a large dataframe, so I figured there may be a better built in pandas way to do this.

Asked By: beardc



A lot of handy things are stored in the DataFrameGroupBy.grouper object. For example:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['foo', 'bar'] * 3,
                   'Rank': np.random.randint(0,3,6),
                   'Val': np.random.rand(6)})
>>> grouped = df.groupby(["Name", "Rank"])
>>> grouped.grouper.
grouped.grouper.agg_series        grouped.grouper.indices
grouped.grouper.aggregate         grouped.grouper.labels
grouped.grouper.apply             grouped.grouper.levels
grouped.grouper.axis              grouped.grouper.names
grouped.grouper.compressed        grouped.grouper.ngroups
grouped.grouper.get_group_levels  grouped.grouper.nkeys
grouped.grouper.get_iterator      grouped.grouper.result_index
grouped.grouper.group_info        grouped.grouper.shape
grouped.grouper.group_keys        grouped.grouper.size
grouped.grouper.groupings         grouped.grouper.sort

and so:

>>> df["GroupId"] = df.groupby(["Name", "Rank"]).grouper.group_info[0]
>>> df
  Name  Rank       Val  GroupId
0  foo     0  0.302482        2
1  bar     0  0.375193        0
2  foo     2  0.965763        4
3  bar     2  0.166417        1
4  foo     1  0.495124        3
5  bar     2  0.728776        1

There may be a nicer alias for for grouper.group_info[0] lurking around somewhere, but this should work, anyway.

Answered By: DSM

The correct solution is to use grouper.label_info:

df["GroupId"] = df.groupby(["Name", "Rank"]).grouper.label_info

It automatically associates each row in the df dataframe to the corresponding group label.

Answered By: Luca Pappalardo

Use GroupBy.ngroup from pandas 0.20.2+:

df["GroupId"] = df.groupby(["Name", "Rank"]).ngroup()
print (df)
  Name  Rank       Val  GroupId
0  foo     2  0.451724        4
1  bar     0  0.944676        0
2  foo     0  0.822390        2
3  bar     2  0.063603        1
4  foo     1  0.938892        3
5  bar     2  0.332454        1
Answered By: jezrael

Previous answers do not mention how the group id within a group is assigned and whether it is replicable across multiple calls or across systems. Hence the ranking of item is not controlled by the user.

To address this issue, I use the following function to assign a rank to individual elements within each group. ‘sorter` enables me to control precisely how to assign a rank.

def group_rank_id(df, grouper, sorter):
    # function to apply to each group
    def group_fun(x): return x[sorter].reset_index(drop=True).reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'rank'})
    # apply and merge to itself
    out = df.groupby(grouper).apply(group_fun).reset_index(drop=True)
    return df.merge(out, on=sorter)

Example data:

  action  quantity   ticker          date     price
0    buy       3.0  SXRV.DE  1.584662e+09  0.519707
1    buy       7.0   MSF.DE  1.599696e+09  0.998484
2    buy       1.0  ABEA.DE  1.600387e+09  0.538107
3    buy       1.0    AMZ.F  1.606349e+09  0.446594
4    buy       9.0  09KE.BE  1.610669e+09  0.383777
5    buy      11.0  09KF.BE  1.610669e+09  0.987921
6    buy       3.0  FB2A.MU  1.620173e+09  0.696381
7    buy       3.0  FB2A.MU  1.636070e+09  0.700757

will result in:

group_rank_id(df, 'ticker',['ticker','date'])
  action  quantity   ticker          date     price  rank
0    buy       3.0  SXRV.DE  1.584662e+09  0.519707     0
1    buy       7.0   MSF.DE  1.599696e+09  0.998484     0
2    buy       1.0  ABEA.DE  1.600387e+09  0.538107     0
3    buy       1.0    AMZ.F  1.606349e+09  0.446594     0
4    buy       9.0  09KE.BE  1.610669e+09  0.383777     0
5    buy      11.0  09KF.BE  1.610669e+09  0.987921     0
6    buy       3.0  FB2A.MU  1.620173e+09  0.696381     0
7    buy       3.0  FB2A.MU  1.636070e+09  0.700757     1
Answered By: bonobo
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