Python3 turtle how to wait until keypress


I have a simple game written in Python3 turtle
When game finished I want to show message ‘Continue? (y/n)’ and wait until user press a button on the keyboard. Any ideas how can implement a wait feature?

Asked By: pydevd



Check out the textinput method:

def textinput(self, title, prompt):
    """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string.

    Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window,
    prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input.

    Return the string input
    If the dialog is canceled, return None.

    Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen):
    >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:")

    return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Answered By: Ethan Furman