Python Brute forcing (Very basic)


I’ve just started learning python and i’m trying to create a small brute force program that will ask for an input from the user (password), brute force it then check if it matches.
My problem: I am stuck in the computation of the loop (as you’ll see in the source code)

Thanks for your help.

Source code:





user=input("Enter your secret password here (maximum 4 characters): ")


for i in range(0,len(L4)):



    if sum==user:

        print("your cracked password is :", sum)

Asked By: Alfie brown



You can use itertools.product here:

>>> from string import letters, digits
>>> strs = letters + digits
>>> from itertools import product
def pwd_checker(pwd):
    if 0 <len(pwd) <5:
       for i in xrange(1,5):
           for per in product(strs, repeat = i):
               if "".join(per) == pwd:
                  print 'your password is', "".join(per)
       print "Password's length must be between 1 to 4"
>>> pwd_checker('a')
your password is a
>>> pwd_checker('ab12')
your password is ab12
>>> pwd_checker('foo')
your password is foo
>>> pwd_checker('Ab1c')
your password is Ab1c
>>> pwd_checker('aaaa')
your password is aaaa
>>> pwd_checker('BaBa')
your password is BaBa
Answered By: Ashwini Chaudhary

let’s say a password can only contain elements for L4=L1+L2+L3 and let’s assume that is has a fixed length l.

this password is a combination with repetition of l elements from the set L4.

your brute force algo should then generate every combination with repetition of 1,2, 3 and 4 elements from the set L4.

you can do this easily using itertools

import itertools
for l in xrange(4):
    for try_ in itertools.product(L4, repeat=l + 1):
        if ''.join(try_) == user:
            print("your cracked password is :", try_)

It would be interesting to implement yourself the combinations_with_replacement function which can be easily done using either recursivity or a stack 🙂

Answered By: Samy Arous

I’d go for the itertools solution for a production ready code.

But if you want to learn and code your own implementation:

after a simple googling, here‘s a permutation algorithm you could look up and try to reimplement in python with strings instead of numbers.

Answered By: zmo

Tthis is a list of all possible passwords:

   *[map(lambda x: ''.join(x), itertools.product(L4, repeat=i)) for i in range(5)])

You can loop through it or use find (and catch ValueError)

Answered By: Karoly Horvath
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