py.test: how to get the current test's name from the setup method?


I am using py.test and wonder if/how it is possible to retrieve the name of the currently executed test within the setup method that is invoked before running each test. Consider this code:

class TestSomething(object):

    def setup(self):
        test_name = ...

    def teardown(self):

    def test_the_power(self):
        assert "foo" != "bar"

    def test_something_else(self):
        assert True

Right before TestSomething.test_the_power becomes executed, I would like to have access to this name in setup as outlined in the code via test_name = ... so that test_name == "TestSomething.test_the_power".

Actually, in setup, I allocate some resource for each test. In the end, looking at the resources that have been created by various unit tests, I would like to be able to see which one was created by which test. Best thing would be to just use the test name upon creation of the resource.


Try type(self).__name__ perhaps?

Answered By: kindall

You might have multiple tests, in which case…

test_names = [n for n in dir(self) if n.startswith('test_')]

…will give you all the functions and instance variables that begin with “test_” in self. As long as you don’t have any variables named “test_something” this will work.

You can also define a method setup_method(self, method) instead of setup(self) and that will be called before each test method invocation. Using this, you’re simply given each method as a parameter. See:

Answered By: ejk314

You could give the inspect module are try.

import inspect

def foo():
    print "My name is: ", inspect.stack()[0][3]


Output: My name is: foo

Answered By: Robert Caspary

The setup and teardown methods seem to be legacy methods for supporting tests written for other frameworks, e.g. nose. The native pytest methods are called setup_method as well as teardown_method which receive the currently executed test method as an argument. Hence, what I want to achieve, can be written like so:

class TestSomething(object):

    def setup_method(self, method):
        print "n%s:%s" % (type(self).__name__, method.__name__)

    def teardown_method(self, method):

    def test_the_power(self):
        assert "foo" != "bar"

    def test_something_else(self):
        assert True

The output of py.test -s then is:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.3 -- pytest-2.3.3
plugins: cov
collected 2 items 

=========================== 2 passed in 0.03 seconds ===========================

You can also do this using the Request Fixture like this:

def test_name1(request):
    testname =
    assert testname == 'test_name1'
Answered By: danielfrg

You can also use the PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST environment variable set by pytest for each test case.

PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST environment variable

To get just the test name:

os.environ.get('PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST').split(':')[-1].split(' ')[0]
Answered By: Joao Coelho

Try my little wrapper function which returns the full name of the test, the file and the test name. You can use whichever you like later.
I used it within where fixtures do not work as far as I know.

def get_current_test():
    full_name = os.environ.get('PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST').split(' ')[0]
    test_file = full_name.split("::")[0].split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0]
    test_name = full_name.split("::")[1]

    return full_name, test_file, test_name
Answered By: matt3o
# content of

@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def test_log(request):
    # Here logging is used, you can use whatever you want to use for logs"STARTED Test '{}'".format(  

    def fin():"COMPLETED Test '{}' n".format(

Answered By: Shivam Bharadwaj

Short answer:

  • Use fixture called request
  • This fixture has the following interesting attributes:
    • request.node.originalname = the name of the function/method
    • = name of the function/method and ids of the parameters
    • request.node.nodeid = relative path to the test file, name of the test class (if in a class), name of the function/method and ids of the parameters

Long answer:

I inspected the content of request.node. Here are the most interesting attributes I found:

class TestClass:

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", ["a"])
    def test_stuff(self, request, arg):
        print("originalname:", request.node.originalname)
        print("nodeid:", request.node.nodeid)

Prints the following:

 originalname: test_stuff
 name: test_stuff[a]
 nodeid: relative/path/to/[a]

NodeID is the most promising if you want to completely identify the test (including the parameters). Note that if the test is as a function (instead of in a class), the class name (::TestClass) is simply missing.

You can parse nodeid as you wish, for example:

components = request.node.nodeid.split("::")
filename = components[0]
test_class = components[1] if len(components) == 3 else None
test_func_with_params = components[-1]
test_func = test_func_with_params.split('[')[0]
test_params = test_func_with_params.split('[')[1][:-1].split('-')

In my example this results to:

filename = 'relative/path/to/'
test_class = 'TestClass'
test_func = 'test_stuff'
test_params = ['a']
Answered By: miksus
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