Determining the latest version of a file (python)


This has me stumped…

I have a list of files in a folder. Eg.

myFiles = ["apple_d_v01.jpg", "apple_d_v02.jpg", "apple_d_v03.jpg", "something_d.jpg", "anotherthing_d.jpg"]

There are three versions of the file “apple_d”, using a version suffix of “_vxx”. I want to be able to modify the list to have only the latest version, so that

myFiles = ["apple_d_v03.jpg", "something_d.jpg", "anotherthing_d.jpg"]

Any ideas?

Thanks very much.

edit: came up with this thismorning- it works fine for purpose, but is a little different to the question I initially asked. Thanks all for helping out.

myFiles = ["apple_d.jpg", "apple_dm.jpg", "apple_d_v2.jpg", "apple_d_v3.jpg", "something_d.jpg", "anotherthing_d.jpg", "test2_s_v01", "test2_s_v02.jpg", "test2_s_v03.jpg", "test2_s_v04.jpg" ]

objVersions = []

obj = "cube"  #controlled by variable
suf = "d"     #controlled by variable
ext = ".jpg"  #controlled by variable

for file in myFiles:

    if obj + "_" + suf + "_" in file:

    if obj + "_" + suf + "." in file:

objVersions = sorted(objVersions, reverse=True)

for file in objVersions:

    if ext not in file:

chosenfile = objVersions[0]
Asked By: user2407089



Assuming that d is a version number in your question

latestVersion = max(int(fname.rsplit('.',1)[0].rsplit("_",1)[1].strip('v')) for fname in myFiles)

From your comments, I understand that you want to keep the latest versions of versioned files. For that, you’ll need this:

answer = set()
for fname in myFiles:
    name, version = fname.rsplit('.', 1)[0].rsplit("_",1)
    if version.startswith('v'): # this is a versioned file
          max((fname for fname in myFiles if fname.startswith(name) and not fname.rsplit('.', 1)[0].endswith('d')), 
              key=lambda fname: int(
                     fname.rsplit('.', 1)[0].rsplit("_",1)[1].strip('v')) ))
Answered By: inspectorG4dget

This Method i made i think will do what you asked, It takes a List of file names and finds the latest version, It then searches for all files that contain a version tag and removes the ones that are not latest. It will not work if some files are only updated to a version 2 and others a 3.

def removePreviousVersions(FileNameList):
    returnList = []
    LatestVersion = 0
    for FileName in FileNameList:
        if FileName.find('_v') > -1:
            Name, Version = (FileName.replace('.jpg', '')).split('_v')
            if LatestVersion <  int(Version):
                LatestVersion = int(Version)

    argument = '_v'+ str(LatestVersion).zfill(2)
    for FileName in FileNameList:
        if FileName.find('_v') == -1:
        elif FileName.find(argument) != -1:

    return returnList

This example right here works using a similar method but it will grab the latest version of a file even if it is an older version the the latest version of a file.

def removePreviousVersions(FileNameList):
TempFileNameList = []
ReturnList = []  
for FileName in FileNameList:
    if '_v' in FileName:
        Name, Version = (FileName.replace('.jpg', '')).split('_v')
        if Name not in TempFileNameList:
            latestVersion = 0
            TempFileName = ''
            for fname in FileNameList:
                if Name in fname:
                    tName, tVersion = (fname.replace('.jpg', '')).split('_v')
                    if int(tVersion) > int(latestVersion):
                        latestVersion = int(tVersion)
                        TempFileName = fname

return ReturnList

Example Input:

NameList = [“stupd_d_v01.jpg”, “apple_d_v01.jpg”, “apple_d_v02.jpg”, “apple_d_v03.jpg”, “something_d.jpg”, “anotherthing_d.jpg”]

returns [“stupd_d_v01.jpg”, “apple_d_v03.jpg”, “something_d.jpg”, “anotherthing_d.jpg”]

Answered By: Dh0rse

Assuming that the versions are always with the syntax of _v##, you can do this:

import re

parts_re = re.compile(r'^(.+_d)(.*).jpg$')

def remove_oldies(list):
    final = []
    saved_version = ''
    saved_name = ''
    for item in sorted(list):
        name, version =,2)
        if name != saved_name:
            if saved_name != '':
                final.append(saved_name + saved_version + ".jpg")
            saved_version = version
            saved_name = name
            saved_version = version
    final.append(saved_name + saved_version + ".jpg")
    return final

Answered By: pcm

A short (and functional) answer would be something like:

files= [ (f.split("_d")[0],int("0""((_v)?([0-9]+|)).jpg",f.split("_d")[1]).group(3)),f) for f in myFiles]
result= [ [ f[2] for f in files if f[0] == fn and f[1] == max( [ f[1] for f in files if f[0] == fn ] ) ][0] for fn in set( f[0] for f in files ) ]

With a bit of expansion and comments added:

# List of tuples of the form ('apple', 2, 'apple_d_v02.jpg') and ('something', 0, 'something_d.jpg')
files= [ (f.split("_d")[0],int("0""((_v)?([0-9]+|)).jpg",f.split("_d")[1]).group(3)),f) for f in myFiles]
basename= 0  # index of basename (apple, something, etc) in each tuple inside "files"
version= 1  # index of version in each tuple inside "files"
fullname= 2  # index of full filename in each tuple inside "files"

result= [ [ f[fullname] for f in files if f[basename] == current_basename and f[version] == max( [ f[version] for f in files if f[basename] == current_basename ] ) ][0] for current_basename in set( f[basename] for f in files ) ]

Last line can be further expanded into:

def max_version_fullname(current_basename):
    versions= [ f[version] for f in files if f[basename] == current_basename ]
    max_version= max( versions )
    fullnames_for_max_version= [ f[fullname] for f in files if f[basename] == current_basename and f[version] == max_version ]
    fullname_for_max_version= fullnames_for_max_version[0]
    return fullname_for_max_version
basenames= set( f[basename] for f in files )
result= [ max_version_fullname(current_basename) for current_basename in basenames ]
Answered By: Mario Rossi

this is my answer,hope to help you.:

 from distutils.version import LooseVersion
 files= ["apple_d.jpg", "apple_dm.jpg", "apple_d_v2.jpg", "apple_d_v3.jpg", "something_d.jpg", "anotherthing_d.jpg", "test2_s_v01", "test2_s_v02.jpg", "test2_s_v03.jpg", "test2_s_v04.jpg" ]
 listA = [f for f in files if f.startswith('apple_d')]
 listB = [f for f in files if not f.startswith('apple_d')]
 listC = [LooseVersion(f) for f in listA]
Answered By: 白银钶
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