Difference between various numpy random functions


The numpy.random module defines the following 4 functions that all seem to return a float betweeb [0, 1.0) from the continuous uniform distribution. What (if any) is the difference between these functions?

random_sample([size]) Return random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).

random([size]) Return random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).

ranf([size]) Return random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).

sample([size]) Return random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).

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I found the following in numpy.random source code that supports @askewchan’s answer:

# Some aliases:
ranf = random = sample = random_sample
Asked By: Dhara




They’re just aliases to random_sample:

In [660]: np.random.random
Out[660]: <function random_sample>

In [661]: np.random.ranf
Out[661]: <function random_sample>

In [662]: np.random.sample
Out[662]: <function random_sample>

In [663]: np.random.random_sample is np.random.random
Out[663]: True

In [664]: np.random.random_sample is np.random.ranf
Out[664]: True

In [665]: np.random.random_sample is np.random.sample
Out[665]: True
Answered By: askewchan

I got different answers.

print(np.random.random_sample is np.random.random)
print(np.random.random_sample is np.random.ranf)
print(np.random.random_sample is np.random.sample)

<built-in method random of numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState object at 0x000001FC2C459D08>
<built-in function ranf>
<built-in function sample>
<built-in method rand of numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState object at 0x000001FC2C459D08>
Answered By: Trinidad
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