Python ASCII plots in terminal


With Octave I am able to plot arrays to the terminal, for example, plotting an array with values for the function x^2 gives this output in my terminal:

   10000 ++---------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------++
         ++         +           +          +           +         ++
         |+         :           :          :           :         +|
         |++        :           :          :           :        ++|
         | +        :           :          :           :        + |
         | ++       :           :          :           :       ++ |
    8000 ++.+..................................................+.++
         |  ++      :           :          :           :      ++  |
         |   ++     :           :          :           :     ++   |
         |    +     :           :          :           :     +    |
         |    ++    :           :          :           :    ++    |
         |     +    :           :          :           :    +     |
    6000 ++....++..........................................++....++
         |      ++  :           :          :           :  ++      |
         |       +  :           :          :           :  +       |
         |       ++ :           :          :           : ++       |
         |        ++:           :          :           :++        |
    4000 ++........++..................................++........++
         |          +           :          :           +          |
         |          ++          :          :          ++          |
         |          :++         :          :         ++:          |
         |          : ++        :          :        ++ :          |
         |          :  ++       :          :       ++  :          |
    2000 ++.............++........................++.............++
         |          :    ++     :          :     ++    :          |
         |          :     +++   :          :   +++     :          |
         |          :       ++  :          :  ++       :          |
         |          :        +++:          :+++        :          |
         +          +          ++++      ++++          +          +
       0 ++---------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------++
         0        20000       40000      60000       80000     100000

Is there some way I can do something similar in Python, specifically with matplotlib? bashplotlib seems to offer some of this functionality but appears to be quite basic compared to Octave’s offering.

Asked By: Mike Vella



If you’re constrained to matplotlib, the answer is currently no. Currently, matplotlib has many backends, but ASCII is not one of them.

Answered By: Benjamin Barenblat

As @Benjamin Barenblat pointed out, there is currently no way using matplotlib. If you really want to use a pure python library, you may check ASCII Plotter. However, as I commented above, I would use gnuplot as suggested e.g. in this question.

To use gnuplot directly from python you could either use (I haven’t tested this yet) or use gnuplot with the scripting interface. Latter can be realised (as suggested here) like:

import numpy as np
import subprocess
gnuplot = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/gnuplot"], 
gnuplot.stdin.write("set term dumb 79 25n")
gnuplot.stdin.write("plot '-' using 1:2 title 'Line1' with linespoints n")
for i,j in zip(x,y):
   gnuplot.stdin.write("%f %fn" % (i,j))

This gives a plot like

    1 ++--------+---A******---------+--------+---------+---------+--------++
      +         + **      +A*       +        +         +      Line1 **A*** +
  0.8 ++        **           *                                            ++
      |       **              **                                           |
  0.6 ++     A                  *                                         ++
      |     *                    *                                         |
  0.4 ++   *                                                              ++
      |  **                       A                                        |
  0.2 ++*                          *                                      ++
      |*                            *                                      |
    0 A+                             *                              A     ++
      |                               *                            *       |
 -0.2 ++                               *                          *       ++
      |                                 A*                      **         |
 -0.4 ++                                  *                    *          ++
      |                                    **                 *            |
 -0.6 ++                                     *               A            ++
      |                                       *            **              |
 -0.8 ++                                                 **               ++
      +         +         +         +        + A****** **        +         +
   -1 ++--------+---------+---------+--------+--------A+---------+--------++
      0         1         2         3        4         5         6         7

Some styling options can be found e.g. here.

Answered By: Jakob

You can also try Sympy’s TextBackend for plots, see doc. Or just use textplot.

Here it is an example

from sympy import symbols
from sympy.plotting import textplot
x = symbols('x')

with the output

24.0992 |                                                      / 
        |                                                    ..  
        |                                                   /    
        |                                                 ..     
        |                                               ..       
        |                                              /         
        |                                            ..          
        |                                          ..            
12.0496 | ---------------------------------------..--------------
        |                                     ...                
        |                                   ..                   
        |                                 ..                     
        |                              ...                       
        |                           ...                          
        |                        ...                             
        |                   .....                                
        |              .....                                     
      0 | .............                                          
          0                      2.5                        5    
Answered By: nicoguaro

If you just need a quick overview and your x-axis is equally spaced, you could also just make some quick ascii output yourself.

In [1]: y = [20, 26, 32, 37, 39, 40, 38, 35, 30, 23, 17, 10,  5,  2,  0,  1,  3,
   ....:         8, 14, 20]

In [2]: [' '*(d-1) + '*' for d in y]
['                   *',
 '                         *',
 '                               *',
 '                                    *',
 '                                      *',
 '                                       *',
 '                                     *',
 '                                  *',
 '                             *',
 '                      *',
 '                *',
 '         *',
 '    *',
 ' *',
 '  *',
 '       *',
 '             *',
 '                   *']

If your y-data are not integers, offset and scale them so they are in a range that works. For example, the above numbers are basically ( sin(x)+1 )*20.

Answered By: j08lue

As few answers already suggested the gnuplot is a great choice.

However, there is no need to call a gnuplot subprocess, it might be much easier to use a python gnuplotlib library.

Example (from:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import gnuplotlib as gp

>>> x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)

>>> gp.plot( x, np.sin(x) )
[ graphical plot pops up showing a simple sinusoid ]

>>> gp.plot( (x, np.sin(x), {'with': 'boxes'}),
...          (x, np.cos(x), {'legend': 'cosine'}),

...          _with    = 'lines',
...          terminal = 'dumb 80,40',
...          unset    = 'grid')

[ ascii plot printed on STDOUT]
   1 +-+---------+----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-+
     +     +|||+ +          +         +++++   +++|||+          +           +
     |     |||||+                    +     +  +||||||       cosine +-----+ |
 0.8 +-+   ||||||                    +     + ++||||||+                   +-+
     |     ||||||+                  +       ++||||||||+                    |
     |     |||||||                  +       ++|||||||||                    |
     |     |||||||+                +        |||||||||||                    |
 0.6 +-+   ||||||||               +         +||||||||||+                 +-+
     |     ||||||||+              |        ++|||||||||||                   |
     |     |||||||||              +        |||||||||||||                   |
 0.4 +-+   |||||||||              |       ++||||||||||||+                +-+
     |     |||||||||             +        +||||||||||||||                  |
     |     |||||||||+            +        |||||||||||||||                  |
     |     ||||||||||+           |       ++||||||||||||||+           +     |
 0.2 +-+   |||||||||||          +        |||||||||||||||||           +   +-+
     |     |||||||||||          |        +||||||||||||||||+          |     |
     |     |||||||||||         +         ||||||||||||||||||         +      |
   0 +-+   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   +-+
     |       +        ||||||||||||||||||+         |       ++||||||||||     |
     |       |        +|||||||||||||||||          +        |||||||||||     |
     |       +        ++||||||||||||||||          |        +||||||||||     |
-0.2 +-+      +        |||||||||||||||||          +        |||||||||||   +-+
     |        |        ++||||||||||||||+           |       ++|||||||||     |
     |        +         |||||||||||||||            +        ++||||||||     |
     |         |        +||||||||||||||            +         |||||||||     |
-0.4 +-+       +        ++||||||||||||+             |        +||||||||   +-+
     |          +        |||||||||||||              +        |||||||||     |
     |          |        +|||||||||||+               +       ++|||||||     |
-0.6 +-+        +        ++||||||||||                |        +|||||||   +-+
     |           +        |||||||||||                +        ++||||||     |
     |           +        +|||||||||+                 +        |||||||     |
     |            +       ++||||||||                  +       +++|||||     |
-0.8 +-+          +      + ++||||||+                   +      + +|||||   +-+
     |             +    +   +||||||                     +    +  ++||||     |
     +           +  +  ++   ++|||++     +           +   ++  +  + ++|||     +
  -1 +-+---------+----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-+
    -6          -4         -2           0           2          4           6
Answered By: Datageek

I just released termplotlib which should hopefully make your life a lot easier here. For line plots, you need to install gnuplot and termplotlib,

pip install termplotlib

After this, line plots are generated with just

import termplotlib as tpl
import numpy

x = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, 10)
y = numpy.sin(x)

fig = tpl.figure()
fig.plot(x, y, label="data", width=50, height=15)
    1 +---------------------------------------+
  0.8 |    **     **                          |
  0.6 |   *         **           data ******* |
  0.4 | **                                    |
  0.2 |*              **                      |
    0 |                 **                    |
      |                                   *   |
 -0.2 |                   **            **    |
 -0.4 |                     **         *      |
 -0.6 |                              **       |
 -0.8 |                       **** **         |
   -1 +---------------------------------------+
      0     1    2     3     4     5    6     7
Answered By: Nico Schlömer

See also: asciichart (implemented in Node.js, Python, Java, Go and Haskell)

enter image description here
enter image description here

Answered By: Igor Kroitor

Another alternative is the drawilleplot package.

pip3 install drawilleplot

I find this to be a really nice method, as you only need to change the Matplotlib backend to enable it.

import matplotlib

After that, can use Matplotlib just as you normally would.

Here is an examply from the package README (note the plots look better than what is pasted here.)

def f(t):
    return np.exp(-t) * np.cos(2*np.pi*t)

t1 = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1)
t2 = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.02)

plt.plot(t1, f(t1), 'bo', t2, f(t2), 'k')

plt.plot(t2, np.cos(2*np.pi*t2), 'r--')



Plots look really nice in a terminal about 100 characters wide

Answered By: Ethan Goan

Check the package plotext which allows to plot data directly on terminal. It is very intuitive, as its syntax is very similar to matplotlib.

Here is a basic example:

import plotext as plt
y = plt.sin() # sinusoidal signal 
plt.title("Scatter Plot")

Scatter Plot

You can also plot bar plots:

Bar Plot

and even images:

An example of plotting a continuous data flow is shown here:

Data Stream

It can be installed with

pip install plotext

or with:

pip install "plotext[image]" 

to use plotext with images.

Answered By: Kriel

You can just do plotting in matplotlib as usual and show it as ascii text (colored or gray)

I displayed my own picture in terminal at very high resolution, you just need to zoom out terminal enough.
It's colored me in Terminal

Answered By: Abdul Saboor
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