iPython notebook plantuml extension


How can we use plantuml UML tool in iPython notebook? It should helpful for us since UML figure is frequently used during paper work.

After some google from internet, I have found one excellent reference for Using Asymptote in iPython notebook, then I have created a plantuml extension for iPython notebook. Below is detail steps:

  • Start iPython notebook from my working directory.e.g:$HOME/workshop.

    # cd $HOME/workshop
    # ipython notebook --pylab inline
  • Create a extension script at $HOME/workshop.e.g:plantuml.py

    An Plantuml extension for generating UML figures from within ipython notebook.
    import os
    from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, cell_magic, Magics
    from IPython.display import Image, SVG
    class Plantuml(Magics):
    def plantuml(self, line, cell):
        """Generate and display a figure using Plantuml.
            %java -jar plantuml.jar -tsvg filname
        self.filename = line
        self.code = cell
        with open(self.filename + ".plt", "w") as file:
        os.system("java -jar plantuml.jar -tsvg %s.plt" % self.filename)
        return SVG(filename=self.filename+".svg")    
    def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
  • Download plantuml.jar from official website to $HOME/workshop.

  • Create a new iPython notebook,run below cell to load extension and use the extension:

    %install_ext plantuml.py
    %reload_ext plantuml
  • Create a plantuml cell to test the result.

    %%plantuml figure1
    Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
    Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Then,everything from plantuml will work within iPython notebook.

Some questions are:

  • The error output of plantuml is NOT displayed in iPython notebook if any syntax wrong in plantuml code.it will be great if the SVG generation failure, then output the error text, othwise output the SVG file to notebook.
  • The extension is using SVG format, Not sure if it’s possible to use PDF or PNG format.I wish to extension TiKz also but pdflatex always output pdf file format.I have to use a 3rd-party tool to covert it to SVG format firstly.it’s a bit time consuming.
Asked By: lucky1928



Plantuml UML tool in iPython notebook is a great idea!

Instead of adding the jar, you can also use the web service. You can get the error message this way.

Based on the javascript API, I wrote a small python encoder to send strings to the plantUML server.

Now, the extension looks like this

import urllib
import plantumlencoder
from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, cell_magic, Magics
from IPython.display import Image, SVG

class Plantuml(Magics):

    def plantuml(self, line, cell):
        self.filename = line
        self.code = ""
        for line in cell.split('n'):
            newline = line.strip()
            if newline:
                self.code += newline + 'n'

        uri = "http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/svg/" + plantumlencoder.compress(self.code)

        urllib.urlretrieve(uri, self.filename)

        return SVG(filename=self.filename)    

def load_ipython_extension(ipython):

To use other image formats you can change the URL, and the image code. For example : This extension produces png

import urllib
import plantumlencoder
from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, cell_magic, Magics
from IPython.display import Image, PNG

class Plantuml(Magics):

    def plantuml(self, line, cell):
        self.filename = line
        self.code = ""
        for line in cell.split('n'):
            newline = line.strip()
            if newline:
                self.code += newline + 'n'

        uri = "http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/" + plantumlencoder.compress(self.code)

        urllib.urlretrieve(uri, self.filename)

        return PNG(filename=self.filename)

def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
Answered By: Luc Trudeau

There is a PlantUML cell magic package. Please refer to iPlantUML@PyPi

After installation (pip install iplantuml) follow package introduction, you can create plantUML code in jupyterlab as follow:

Import package first,

import iplantuml

use cell magic:


Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

then show a diagram in cell output as:

enter image description here

Answered By: Jesse

Here is a solution using the -pipe option of plantuml:

from subprocess import run
from IPython.core.magic import register_cell_magic
from IPython.display import SVG

def plantuml(line, code):
    cmd = ["plantuml", "-tsvg", "-pipe"]
    compl = run(cmd, input=code, text=True, capture_output=True)
    return SVG(compl.stdout)

This does not use the filesystem and can be defined in a cell. If you do not have a script for plantuml in your path you can define cmd as such:

jarpath = "path/to/plantuml.jar"
cmd = ["java", "-jar", jarpath, "-tsvg", "-pipe"]

After running the code above you can use the %%plantuml cell magic.

Answered By: dicristina