Identifying the data type of an input


I am trying to print the data type of a user input and produce a table like following:

1.09 = float
0 = int
true = bool


I’m using Python 3.2.3 and I know I could use type() to get the type of the data but in Python all user inputs are taken as strings and I don’t know how to determine whether the input is a string or Boolean or integer or float. Here is that part of the code:

user_var = input("Please enter something: ")
print("you entered " + user_var)

which always returns str for string.

Asked By: Apeiron Kambyses



input() will always return a string. If you want to see if it is possible to be converted to an integer, you should do:

    int_user_var = int(user_var)
except ValueError:
    pass # this is not an integer

You could write a function like this:

def try_convert(s):
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
            return float(s)
        except ValueError:
                return bool(s)
            except ValueError:
                return s

However, as mentioned in the other answers, using ast.literal_eval would be a more concise solution.

Answered By: Tom Leese

Input will always return a string. You need to evaluate the string to get some Python value:

>>> type(eval(raw_input()))
<type 'int'>
>>> type(eval(raw_input()))
<type 'str'>
>>> type(eval(raw_input()))
<type 'float'>
>>> type(eval(raw_input()))
<type 'bool'>

If you want safety (here user can execute arbitrary code), you should use ast.literal_eval:

>>> import ast
>>> type(ast.literal_eval(raw_input()))
<type 'int'>
>>> type(ast.literal_eval(raw_input()))
<type 'str'>
Answered By: hivert
from ast import literal_eval

def get_type(input_data):
        return type(literal_eval(input_data))
    except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
        # A string, so return str
        return str

print(get_type("1"))        # <class 'int'>
print(get_type("1.2354"))   # <class 'float'>
print(get_type("True"))     # <class 'bool'>
print(get_type("abcd"))     # <class 'str'>
Answered By: thefourtheye

The problem here is that any input is taken a ‘string’. So we need to treat ‘string’ as a special case, and keep it separate from everything else.

x = input("Enter something: ")

    if type(eval(x)) == float:
        print(x, " is floating point number")
    elif type(eval(x)) == int:
        print(x, " is interger number")    
    elif type(eval(x)) == bool:
        print(x, " is a boolean")      
    print("That is a string")

Here the input is first evaluated. If it’s anything other than a string, the eval function shall show the type. If it’s a string, it is considered as an “error”, and the error message is given as “That is a string”.

Answered By: Vikrant Srivastava