Python "from [dot]package import …" syntax


Looking through a Django tutorial I saw the following syntax:

from .models import Recipe, Ingredient, Instruction

Can someone explain how the .models works / what it does exactly? Usually I have:

from myapp.models import

How does it work without the myapp part in front of .models?

Asked By: wobbily_col



Possible duplicate: What does a . in an import statement in Python mean?

The . is a shortcut that tells it to search in the current package before the rest of the PYTHONPATH. So, if a same-named module Recipe exists somewhere else in your PYTHONPATH, it won’t be loaded.

Answered By: Sudeep Juvekar

In addition of Sudeep Juvekar, this question is also related to‘s behavior.

In and

It puts your project’s package on sys.path.

Answered By: Zulu
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