Column data type affected by usage of it elsewhere


I can’t seem to find a reference to the following behavior either in SQLite or apsw docs:

I have a table partially defined and populated as:

INSERT INTO GeoLoc (lat, lon) VALUES ('-33.5533422', '151.23422');

When using apsw to get the result for:


I get the correct unicode value type for lat column. But running:

SELECT lat FROM GeoLoc WHERE lat + 0 = lat + 0;

I get float type instead! The above example is a silly one, but in my actual query, I’m doing some calculations with lat that turns it into floating point type but I don’t expect the type to change everywhere in my query.

I rely on exact value of lat as I stored it. When converted to float, it could change when cast back to string (see section 4.0).

Note: I get the same result with Python’s SQLite3 module, but not from as well as SQLite3’s own command line client.

Asked By: Mansour



Answering my own question here. Actually when using sqlite3 CAST, it seems to work fine:

SELECT CAST(lat AS TEXT) FROM GeoLoc WHERE lat + 0 = lat + 0;

To test it, I used a very high precision floating point (e.g. 80 significant figures) and the above returned it verbatim. Appending an empty string seems to work just as well:

SELECT lat || '' FROM GeoLoc WHERE lat + 0 = lat + 0;

But, I’m still wondering why the default behavior is to change the data type all across. At least viewed from a programmer’s eyes, this is unnatural. You only expect an automatic cast to occur at the usage point.

Answered By: Mansour

This is a bug that was introduced in SQLite version 3.8.3.
Now fixed.

Answered By: CL.
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