Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


I have a fairly simple plotting routine that looks like this:

from __future__ import division
import datetime
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, show, legend, close, savefig, rcParams
import numpy
from globalconstants import *

    def plotColumns(columnNumbers, t, out, showFig=False, filenamePrefix=None, saveFig=True, saveThumb=True):
        lineProps = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'b--', 'r--', 'g--', 'c--', 'm--', 'y--', 'k--', 'g--', 'b.-', 'r.-', 'g.-', 'c.-', 'm.-', 'y.-', 'k.-']

        rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (13,11)
        for i in columnNumbers:
            plot(t, out[:,i], lineProps[i])

        legendStrings = list(numpy.zeros(NUMCOMPONENTS)) 
        legendStrings[GLUCOSE] = 'GLUCOSE'
        legendStrings[CELLULOSE] = 'CELLULOSE'
        legendStrings[STARCH] = 'STARCH'
        legendStrings[ACETATE] = 'ACETATE'
        legendStrings[BUTYRATE] = 'BUTYRATE'
        legendStrings[SUCCINATE] = 'SUCCINATE'
        legendStrings[HYDROGEN] = 'HYDROGEN'
        legendStrings[PROPIONATE] = 'PROPIONATE'
        legendStrings[METHANE] = "METHANE"

        legendStrings[RUMINOCOCCUS] = 'RUMINOCOCCUS'
        legendStrings[BACTEROIDES] = 'BACTEROIDES'
        legendStrings[SELENOMONAS] = 'SELENOMONAS'
        legendStrings[CLOSTRIDIUM] = 'CLOSTRIDIUM'

        legendStrings = [legendStrings[i] for i in columnNumbers]
        legend(legendStrings, loc='best')

        dt =
        dtAsString = dt.strftime('%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S')

        if filenamePrefix is None:
            filenamePrefix = ''

        if filenamePrefix != '' and filenamePrefix[-1] != '_':
            filenamePrefix += '_'

        if saveFig: 

        if saveThumb:
            savefig(filenamePrefix+dtAsString+'.png', dpi=300)

        if showFig:


When I plot this in single iterations, it works fine. However, the moment I put it in a loop, matplotlib throws a hissy fit…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 148, in <module>
    plotColumns(columnNumbers, timeVector, out, showFig=False, filenamePrefix='c
4hm_param_variation_h2_conc_'+str(hydrogen_conc), saveFig=False, saveThumb=True)

  File "D:phdprojectalexander", line 48, in plo
    savefig(filenamePrefix+dtAsString+'.png', dpi=300)
  File "", line 356, in savefi
    return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
  File "", line 1032, in savef
    self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
  File "", line 1476, i
n print_figure
  File "", line
358, in print_png
  File "", line
314, in draw
  File "", line 46, in draw_wr
    draw(artist, renderer, *kl)
  File "", line 773, in draw
    for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
  File "", line 46, in draw_wr
    draw(artist, renderer, *kl)
  File "", line 1735, in draw
  File "", line 46, in draw_wr
    draw(artist, renderer, *kl)
  File "", line 374, in draw
    bbox = self._legend_box.get_window_extent(renderer)
  File "", line 209, in get
    px, py = self.get_offset(w, h, xd, yd)
  File "", line 162, in get
    return self._offset(width, height, xdescent, ydescent)
  File "", line 360, in findof
    return _findoffset(width, height, xdescent, ydescent, renderer)
  File "", line 325, in _findo
    ox, oy = self._find_best_position(width, height, renderer)
  File "", line 817, in _find_
    verts, bboxes, lines = self._auto_legend_data()
  File "", line 669, in _auto_
    tpath = trans.transform_path(path)
  File "", line 1911, in t
  File "", line 1122, in t
    return Path(self.transform(path.vertices),,
  File "", line 1402, in t
    return affine_transform(points, mtx)
MemoryError: Could not allocate memory for path

This happens on iteration 2 (counting from 1), if that makes a difference. The code is running on Windows XP 32-bit with python 2.5 and matplotlib 0.99.1, numpy 1.3.0 and scipy 0.7.1.

EDIT: The code has now been updated to reflect the fact that the crash actually occurs at the call to legend(). Commenting that call out solves the problem, though obviously, I would still like to be able to put a legend on my graphs…

Asked By: Chinmay Kanchi



Is each loop supposed to generate a new figure? I don’t see you closing it or creating a new figure instance from loop to loop.

This call will clear the current figure after you save it at the end of the loop:


I’d refactor, though, and make your code more OO and create a new figure instance on each loop:

from matplotlib import pyplot

while True:
  fig = pyplot.figure()
  ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
  ax.legend(legendStrings, loc = 'best')
  # etc....
Answered By: Mark

I’ve also run into this error. what seems to have fixed it is

while True:
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.legend(legendStrings, loc = 'best')
    #new bit here
    pylab.close(fig) #where f is the figure

running my loop stably now with fluctuating memory but no consistant increase

Answered By: ninjasmith

Answer from ninjasmith worked for me too – pyplot.close() enabled my loops to work.

From the pyplot tutorial, Working with multiple figures and axes:

You can clear the current figure with clf() and the current
axes with cla(). If you find this statefulness, annoying, don’t
despair, this is just a thin stateful wrapper around an object
oriented API, which you can use instead (see Artist tutorial)

If you are making a long sequence of figures, you need to be aware of
one more thing: the memory required for a figure is not completely
released until the figure is explicitly closed with close(). Deleting
all references to the figure, and/or using the window manager to kill
the window in which the figure appears on the screen, is not enough,
because pyplot maintains internal references until close() is called.

Answered By: geographika

In my case, matplotlib version 3.5.0, As Hui Liu san says,
Following method can keep memory usage low

import matplotlib
print(matplotlib.__version__) #'3.5.0'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Add both in this order for keeping memory usage low

— Added —-
With matplotlib version ‘3.7.2’,
Memory continued to increase even with the above method.
By adding the following code as described on this site( and by Innuendo,
the memory increase has been eliminated.

import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # for avoiding memory leak
Answered By: masaya

I had a similar issue when I was using it from jupyter, putting plt.clf() and plt.close() in the loop did not work.

But this helped:

import matplotlib

This disables interactive backend for matplotlib.

Answered By: Innuendo
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