How to assign to repeated field?


I am using protocol buffers in python and I have a Person message

repeated uint64 id

but when I try to assign a value to it like: = [1, 32, 43432]

I get an error: Assigment not allowed for repeated field "id" in protocol message object
How to assign a value to a repeated field ?

Asked By: PaolaJ.



As per the documentation, you aren’t able to directly assign to a repeated field. In this case, you can call extend to add all of the elements in the list to the field.[1, 32, 43432])
Answered By: Tim

If you don’t want to extend but overwrite it completely, you can do:[:] = [1, 32, 43432]

This approach will also work to clear the field entirely:

Answered By: kirpit

For repeated composite types this is what worked for me.

del person.things[:]
person.things.extend([thing1, thing2, ..])

taken from these comments
How to assign to repeated field?
How to assign to repeated field?

Answered By: Chandler

After loosing a lot of sleep trying to get a basic example for repeated fields working, I finally got it.

The problem:

  • Create a with two functions, square and multiplier.
  • Using GRPC, create a Proto file for the same.
  • Write a server, a client.
  • Run the server, and run the client to get correct results.

The Proto file:

syntax = "proto3";

message Number {
    int32 value = 1;

message NumList {
    string name = 1;
    repeated Number nums = 2;

service Calculator {
    rpc Multiplier(NumList) returns (Number) {}
    rpc Square(Number) returns (Number) {}

Now the square part is easy, but for the Multiplier, I wanted to pass a list of Numbers (as in Number type as defined in the proto file).

The problem was with the repeated field. And here is the ultimate solution in short.

The solution:

import grpc

# import the generated classes
import calculator_pb2
import calculator_pb2_grpc
# open a gRPC channel
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051')

# create a stub (client)
stub = calculator_pb2_grpc.CalculatorStub(channel)
num_list = calculator_pb2.NumList() = 'MyFirstList'
n1 = num_list.nums.add()
n2 = num_list.nums.add()
n3 = num_list.nums.add()
n1.value = 10
n2.value = 20
n3.value = 30

assert len(num_list.nums) == 3

response = stub.Multiplier(num_list)

The Calculator Multiplier function (because this needs to be shown):

def multiplier(numlist, name):
    mul = 1
    for num in numlist:
        mul = mul * num.value
    print(f'Result of list {name}')
    return mul

Hope this helps someone. Hope this is as descriptive as it should be.

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