What's the name of this font used in this figure?


font name?

I want to use this font in matplotlib plotting, but I can not find out the name. Does anyone know?

This figure is got by IDL plotting on Mac OS (10.9) like:

filename = 'name.eps'
myDevice = !D.NAME


SET_PLOT, myDevice
Asked By: Eren



I’m not a font expert, but this looks a lot to me like the font that was used with pen plotters. Looking around for “pen plotter font”, turns up “Hershey Vector Font”, which looks quite close.

enter image description here

Answered By: tom10

(updated in 2022)

I think this font is a kind of vector font belonging to the Hershey family.

Here is a set of TTF fonts that are based on the Hershey font https://github.com/yangcht/Hershey_font_TTF.

You can download them and load them when you make plots.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Answered By: CyTex

The font is indeed a Hershey vector font: Hershey Simplex Light. This user on Github has the font definition files (otf) that you can copy/clone into your system and set as the default fonts in your matplotlibrc. Not all the characters are included, but you can use fontforge to open the otf and/or sfd files and merge/copy/create missing glyphs.

Answered By: beevor