Calculate Matrix Rank using scipy


I’d like to calculate the mathematical rank of a matrix using scipy. The most obvious function numpy.rank calculates the dimension of an array (ie. scalars have dimension 0, vectors 1, matrices 2, etc…). I am aware that the numpy.linalg.lstsq module has this capability, but I was wondering if such a fundamental operation is built into the matrix class somewhere.

Here is an explicit example:

from numpy import matrix, rank
A = matrix([[1,3,7],[2,8,3],[7,8,1]])
print rank(A)

This gives 2 the dimension, where I’m looking for an answer of 3.

Asked By: Hooked



I don’t know about Numpy in particular, but that’s unlikely to be a built-in operation on a matrix; it involves fairly intensive numerical computations (and associated concerns about floating-point roundoff error and so forth) and threshold selections that may or may not be appropriate in a given context, and algorithm selection is important to computing it accurately and quickly.

Things that are built into the basic classes tend to be things that can be performed in a unique and straightforward manner, such as matrix multiplications at the most complex.

Answered By: Brooks Moses

The linear algebra functions are generally grouped in numpy.linalg. (They’re also available from scipy.linalg, which has more functionality.) This allows polymorphism: the functions can accept any of the types that SciPy handles.

So, yes, the numpy.linalg.lstsq function does what you’re asking. Why is that insufficient?

Answered By: bignose

This answer is out of date.

The answer is no—there is currently no function dedicated to calculating the matrix rank of an array/matrix in scipy. Adding one has been discussed before, but if it’s going to happen, I don’t believe it has yet.

Answered By: Mike Graham

To provide a rough code snippet for people who need to get this done in practice. Feel free to improve.

u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(A)
rank = np.sum(s > 1e-10)
Answered By: Stefan van der Walt

If numpy does not offer a rank facility, why don’t you write your own?

An efficient way to compute the rank is via the Singular Value Decomposition – the rank of the matrix is equal to the number of non-zero singular values.

def rank(A, eps=1e-12):
    u, s, vh = numpy.linalg.svd(A)
    return len([x for x in s if abs(x) > eps])

Notice that eps depends in your application – most would agree that 1e-12 corresponds to zero, but you may witness numerical instability even for eps=1e-9.

Using your example, the answer is three. If you change the second row to [2, 6, 14] (linearly dependent with row one) the answer is two (the “zero” eigenvalue is 4.9960E-16)

Answered By: Escualo

Numpy provides numpy.linalg.matrix_rank():

>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.__version__
>>> A = numpy.matrix([[1,3,7],[2,8,3],[7,8,1]])
>>> numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
Answered By: Simon

scipy now contains an efficient interpolative method for estimating the rank of a matrix/LinearOperator using random methods, which can often be accurate enough:

>>> from numpy import matrix
>>> A = matrix([[1,3,7],[2,8,3],[7,8,1]], dtype=float)  # doesn't accept int

>>> import scipy.linalg.interpolative as sli
>>> sli.estimate_rank(A, eps=1e-10)
Answered By: jawknee
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